We are destined to be with each other

After she hung up the phone, I decided to go home. I stood up and went out. I went near to John and told him that I was leaving. "John, I am going home now. Cancel all my meetings."

"But sir, we have a collaboration meeting with CEO of Asian fashion city." she said. "I know. But if I don't go now, I have to live in the streets. So that is more important than this" I said and left.

I reached home. I went inside. Jenn and Aileen were sitting on the couch and doing some painting. Jenn was a good Artist. She could express all her feelings through her paintings. I loved it. She was teaching painting to our little Aileen and she loved to learn from her mommy.

I went and sat beside Jenn. I took her left hand and held it tightly. "Sorry" I whispered. "I don't want to listen anything Eric. I really don't want." She replied. "I am really sorry. I was so depressed at that time. that was why I told you what I felt." I said sadly. "You are dumping all your feelings and emotions on me Eric. You are not thinking how would I feel? She said. "I know Jenn. That was my mistake. I never do that again. Sorry" I whispered. I didn't want Aileen to notice we were arguing. It was just an argument from Jenn. I was trying to ease the situation.

"You are thinking about Zara and the time you spent with her. What about me? I gave up on so many things to be with you Eric. Even my parents." She shouted. "They asked me to go with them. Mom said this relationship will work if we fight like this. She was so pissed off because of your behavior that night. She asked me leave and go with them. I fought with them for you." She cried. Her eyes filled with tears. I broke her again. I always made her feel bad. I always hurt her. Sometimes I felt like I didn't deserve her love. "Do you still love her Eric? Don't you love me then?" She asked with tears in her eyes.

I looked her into her eyes. "Mrs. Mary" I called for Mary. She came running from kitchen. "Can you please take Aileen out fot a Walk?" I asked her without breaking eye contact with Jenn. Mary took Aileen out for a walk telling that she would get her chocolates. They went out and Mary locked the door behind while leaving. I pulled Jenn with a swift move and made her sit on my lap. I looked her tear stricken face. She sat on my lap like a good girl listening to her teacher's order.

I pulled her so close to me. "I loved her Jenn. Because I didn't see you that time. When I first saw you, I fallen hard for you. So hard that I never want to get up. I never had that feeling with any girls. Even Zara. I never knew that you would be sitting her like this with me when I loved from afar. We are destined to be with each other. That was why Zara left me. That was why I came to India. I came here just to establish my business and thought to go back to Canada once it was successful. I decided to stay back in India for you. Do you think I don't love you?" I asked her back.