I felt like we both were husband and wife

I had the great part of my life with you Eric. I felt like we both were husband and wife. You treated me like a queen. He understood that I fallen for you and loved you. So he arranged a man to follow me. He had a big gang who handled drug business. He was a peddler and he earned lot of money from that. One of his gang men was following and tracking all my activities. He gave me the legal papers to transfer your properties to my name. Once I finished it, I should transfer it to him. That was what his plan. He used to fight with me everyday for not completing his task. I showed my frustrations on you. But still you treated me well. You eased all my frustrations and pain.

I never wanted to leave you. One day I realized that my period was delayed for more than 20 days. I went to doctor and got it confirmed that I was pregnant. I was pregnant for 45 days. I was so happy. I wanted to surprise you with that. I wanted to find out the gender of the baby and tell you that. So I waited for a month to do that. When the baby was 3 months old, I went and got the ultrasound done and found that it was a boy. I knew that you always wanted a family. I was so happy that I was going to give what you wanted. I thought after that boy, we would have 2 more baby girls as you wanted. I dreamed about a perfect family with you Eric.

But Daniel's man followed me and got to know that I was pregnant and he informed that to Daniel. Daniel blackmailed me telling that I should abort the kid or he would kill me. When I had the only option that either I could save you or save him. I chose to save you. So I killed my son. I killed him before he came to this world." She said and buried her face in her both hands and cried. It was so heart breaking. I knew how painful it was when you lose your kid. She was in that pain after 10 years also. "I made a biggest mistake and I got best punishment for that. I can't be a mother again." She cried still buried inside in her hands. I moved closer to her and held her shoulder.

She looked up into my eyes. She hugged my waist and buried her face in my chest. I didn't move. I led her to take out all the grievance. I held her tightly near to me. She cried for so long. I didn't force her to tell me the remaining thing.

"I didn't know what to do. I didn't know how to tell you. I cried alone. I didn't want you to know what I did to our son. I hid everything from you. Then one day Daniel said he wanted to meet me. I went telling you that my friend was not well. He knew that you would go to college for project work. So he took me to the college. He waited for you to come to parking. When he saw you coming, he pulled me for a kiss and held me tightly not allowing me to break the kiss. He knew that if you see me like that, you would be broken completely.

He knew that you loved me. Everything happened as he planned. You though that I was cheating on you. I fought with him for the entire day for what he did. When I came home, you were waiting for me with that medical report. You fought with me. I didn't want to tell what happened. I thought that you would think I didn't everything for to trap. I didn't want you to think that everything between us was fake. It was not Eric. I loved you so much. I still do. When he felt that I could not help him, he threw me away. That day I called you to ask whether you could take me back. But you didn't say anything. I was so broken Eric. I didn't have anyone or anything." she said and looked into my eyes.