Be selfish in love always

I went home immediately. I knew that I would not be able to concentrate on anything. I entered inside the home. Jenn and Aileen were playing with each other. Jenn was teaching chess to Aileen. I went and sat beside Jenn and held her waist tightly and rested my head on her shoulder. "What happened to you? You came so early" She said and turned to look at me. She was shocked looking at my face. She cupped my chin and looked into my eyes.

"Did you cry?" She asked. I just nodded my head. "Why?" she asked. She was so restless. "I met Zara today." I blurted and I looked into her eyes. "Go on." She said. I told her everything from the beginning till end including the kiss. She looked my face and smiled. "Do you still love her?" she asked slowly. I looked down. I couldn't look into her eyes and tell her the truth. I just nodded my head. "Do you wanna go back to her?" She asked. I was so shocked with her question. Why would she ask me this? I didn't respond. I just looked into her eyes.

"If you wanna go back to her, you could go back Eric. I will not stop you. I will support you as always." she said and kissed my lips. I held her tightly. "It is just your decision. If you want to go, leave Aileen and our bunnies to me. Because this is the only family I have now. You can come and visit them whenever you want." she whispered into my ear. "I don't want to leave you" I muttered. "But you are still crying for her. You still love her Eric. You saw her after 10 years. But still you had feelings towards her. I can't compare myself with her Eric. She is always special to you." She said. I looked at her without responding. "Think about only you Eric. Don't think about me, Aileen or bunnies. It's just you and what you want. Be selfish in love always." She said. "Then why can't you be selfish?" I asked slowly. "Because you will not be happy in this relationship, if you still love Zara. I don't want you to be in this relationship, if you are not happy. I love you. I love to see you happy. I want you to be happy. I am happy when you are happy. I am upset when you are upset. I am sad when you are sad. I always support you and all your decision." She said and kissed me. "Take your time and think" she said carried Aileen. She was about leave. I held her wrist tightly. "I took my decision. Sit down. Let's discuss." I said. She sat back and call Mary and asked her to carry Aileen out for a walk. Mary took Aileen and went out.

When Aileen went out, she turned and looked at me. "Let me take care of her Jenn. Let me support her. She is just like me now. Broken completely broken. She is in a position where I was 3 years before. I am also a reason for her situation. Let me support her." I whispered. Jenn hugged me tightly. I hugged her tightly and rested my head on her chest. She held me tightly. I cried like a baby. I didn't know how lot I cried. Jenn just rubbed my back lovingly. "Just cry Eric. Let Everything go with each drop of your tears. Let Everything go." She whispered.

"Let me tell you one thing. You are such a great human. You are thinking about everything and everyone. I am really lucky to have you in my life." she whispered again. "I am the lucky one here to have you. I love you so much Jenn. I love both of you and Zara. I know I am sick when I say this. But this is the truth. You both are most important and special people in my life. You both gave me so much to me." I said and she smiled and patted my back. "I love you too baby." She said and smiled.