First Kill!

'Congratulations, you received a Seven-Days 50% Discount Card, a Glock 17, 100 rounds of ammunition, Ka-Bar Fighting Knife and $10,000. Sir, do you want to enter the shop?' Jessie stated.

'No, I just want to ask if the hundred rounds of ammunition works on every gun.' Rick's logic started to turn when he met the system. And anything that is normally impossible would become possible.

'Yes.' Jessie confirmed.

'That's good.' Rick heaved a sigh of relief. He accessed the inventory and he found that 4 slots was filled. Everything was self explanatory to him so he mentally tapped on the Glock 17 and took out 10 bullets of ammunition.

Almost instantly when he did that, a Glock 17 and 10 9mm bullets really appeared on his hands.

'Jessie, is it possible to change these in to hollow points?' asked Rick. Compared to full metal jacket, hollow points are much better in immobilizing the target, and it is good to use this in hunting.

'Yes. Sir, please return it to the inventory so the system will change it.' Jessie said.

Everything is really possible, thought Rick. It only took a second for the bullet to be transformed and Rick immediately took it out. Without further ado, he took out the magazine and started loading it with the bullets. It did not take long before he loaded the magazine and put it back in the gun.

It was not that he was not interested in the so called Cultivation, in fact he was extremely interested and wanted to try it immediately. Jessie already told him that because his predecessor consumed the Bedevilment Pill, all of his Cultivation was no longer there, he had to start all over again. But his current circumstances prevented him to do so.

He had to search for food before it gets dark. Also, the capital was pretty far from where he currently was, it would take 3 days with a horse in order to reach it. All of the smaller village around also evacuated to the capital and Rick was pretty sure that bandits still roamed the land.

He also could not stay in here for so long, lest a disease contracts him and will end up dying before he could even achieve anything.

'Jessie, open the shop please... Clothes... Military Clothes... That design looks good. I will get this one, please.' he communicated with Jessie and found a good set of Fatigues, with a hat and a gun holster. All of that cost him 105 dollars. He stuck the holster in his belt and locked the gun in it and held his military knife. It was his best spot to draw the gun faster.

He did not wear the coat since it would be to hot in this clear blue sky with a sun glaring at him right above his head. He was really thankful that his current body was tough. He did all that while walking towards the nearest woods he could see.

In Qi Condensation, the basic requirement is to have a strong body that could endure the spiritual energy. That was why most people start at 10 years old to cultivate. They first need to train their body, and finally cultivate.

It also seems that the Bedevilment Pill helped his body get stronger and tougher. Guess everything does indeed have negative and positive effects.

"Crrr." Rick's stomach grumbled. Although the body repair indeed healed him, but it did not cure the hunger. He better hurry up and find food, or else, he will have to eat crows meat. Rick shivered with that thought.

Who would eat a crow that ate other corpses. He could see many beast corpses that were not rotting, but with the contamination, it is possible that it would be poisonous.

He would only eat them as last resort.


Finally, several minutes of walking in a straight line, while avoiding stepping on the dead bodies, he finally reached the woods.

The trees were very large, almost twice that of the average in his previous world. But

Rick did not care, he entered the forest and found the tallest tree he could find and climbed it. Suddenly, an idea came to his mind.

'Should I buy a Sniper Rifle?' thought Rick. When he was still a marine, he dabble a little in Sniper firing, and the one that he was most comfortable with was the McMillan TAC-50. With bullets like .50BMG, who would dare go against him?! He already got an inkling of how powerful people are in this world, and is hundred percent confident that he could kill anyone below the Foundation Establishment Realm with this gun.

Those 100 rounds of ammunition was like a free 300 dollars given to him by the system. That was because a single .50 BMG bullet cost 3 dollars each.

'Well, it's decided. Jessie, please use the Seven-Days 50% Discount Card and buy me the TAC-50. Also, please transform 10 bullets into .50 BMG bullets.' Rick commanded. Since Jessie was there to help him, he did not need to go and enter the shop, he just needed a second and everything will be in his inventory.

'Sir, your purchase is complete and is transferred to the inventory. Every new gun has a free 50 rounds of bullets, but are not convertible to other calibers.' See? It only took a moment and everything is done.

'I did not know that, but that's a good thing. How much money do I have now?' Rick still needed a rangefinder.

'Sir, you still have 4,895 dollars remaining. Please be reminded that you will have to find there currency here in order for the system to convert it to dollars.'

'Yes, I know. But that will have to wait, I will have to eat first, I am already starving here! Can you recommend me a rangefinder?' asked Rick.

'I would recommend you the Leica Geovid HD-B 3000 10×42, it is a Rangefinder Binocular. It has a range of 2,700.200 meters and 10x magnification.' Jessie immediately responded.

'How much is it?'

'Sir, it is 1,500 dollars with your current discount.'

'So it's 3000 dollars. Reasonable. Then I would like to get one.'

'Purchase Complete. All items are in the inventory, please check.'

After mentally clicking on the Tac-50, a beautiful rifle appeared on his hands.

"Wow! This is very cool!" His eyes shone. Because of his passive ability of calmness, he did not really react that much, but his heart was excited. It was like looking at a naked beauty and gently caressing her. It was every man's dream to get one of this. He later discovered that although the gun still weighs the same, it did not feel like he was carrying anything at all. Light as feather!

Loading 5 rounds of .50 BMG in the magazine felt satisfying. Although it was a little overkill to use it for hunting, it is much better than exhausting himself with a damned Glock 17.

Finally ready, he took out the rangefinder binocular and tested how to use it. Within a minute, he finally got how to use it. Every time he used one of these, he was always amazed by the technology.

It's time to go hunting. He climbed down from the tree and immediately noticed the disturbed leaves. Without further ado, he immediately followed the trail.

He would use the binocular every now and then, try to spot if there were movements ahead. Sure enough, he spotted movements. Although it was hidden by the large trunk of a tree, he could see a furry creature.

'Is that a bear?' Seeing the animal, he stealthily walk around to see the whole picture before deciding to shoot it. He hid behind a tree trunk and spotted the animal.

'Good god, it really is a bear! Damn, that thing is enourmous!' Rick exclaimed. He did not travel long, and he already found a bear. It was only then that he noticed, there were claw marks on the tree trunk he was hiding in. It was also same with other trees. It seems like this was the bear's territory.

He was already over 3 kilometers away from that graveyard, and he already spotted a brown bear, what a fascinating world.

It is a brown bear that probably weighs around 130 to 150 kgs. It was slowly moving with stable speed with its four limbs.

Rick mentally tapped on his Tac-50 that was already loaded. Honestly, he was having misgiving on shooting the grizzly, but he was really hungry. He had not found a single fruit inside the forest. But he had no choice, the sun would set a few hours later.

Since the bear's back was facing him, shooting it right in the head in a 250 meter range shouldn't be hard even for a novice like him.

With his legs spread apart and the left leg slightly stepping back, he raised his rifle, opened the scope and took aim. With his strength, his hands were stable, he was calm and his finger was ready to pull the trigger.

Bang! Shrrrr... It was just a very loud bang, followed by echo.

The bear grizzly did not even make a sound when the bullet went through its head. It collapsed with a loud thud.

Rick put back the gun in his inventory and and walked towards the corpse. By the time he got there, he was shocked by what he saw.

Initially, when rick saw the entrance wound of the bullet, he was a little disappointed. But when he flipped it over, the shocking exit wound was revealed.

It was like the bear was planted with a mini bomb in its forehead, 'cause it literally was smashed open leaving a wound the size of a whole palm.

"Overkill, truly overkill!" With a sigh, Rick started a fire just meters away from the bears dead body. He then tried dissected the bear with his knife, but it seemed the knife was a little too small. He was forced to buy a bigger knife and cut a single limb. Even then, even with his strength, cutting off the thigh made him sweat very much. It was the toughest skin that he ever cut.

He was not afraid that other animals will be attracted by the fire because this was the grizzly bears territory. Unless they were so gutsy, there shouldn't be any beast trying to come over.

'Jessie, can the inventory preserve meat?' asked Rick.

'Yes. The time flow in the inventory is 1000 times slower than the outside world.' Just like every other time, Jessie answered the question immediately.

'Sweet! I won't have to worry about food for a week. I can just search for fruits next time.' He then stored the rest of the body in his inventory.

'There is an unknown energy detected inside the brown bear's body. Sir do you want to extract it?' asked Jessie, stopping Rick, who was about to start roasting the thigh.

'Yes, you can extract it.' Intrigued, Rick then proceeded with roasting the thigh while waiting for the result.

'Extraction complete. Using Shi Rong's memories, the system was able to identify the object as a moster core. The sytem determined that it can be converted into one thousand dollars. Sir, do you want to convert it?' Jessie asked.

Moster core. Rick also learned about it from his predecessor's memory, what and what is it's use.

When a beast reaches the fifth level of Qi Condensation, there was a 10 percent chance that it could form a beast core. Thats right, beast cultivate too. It just the methods that is different. Legends also says that beasts could transform into humanoid forms when they reach a certain level. But the continent had never seen one all these years.

When it did not manage to succeed in the fifth level, the chances in forming it in the sixth level would become 20 percent. Following that pattern, every breakthrough increases the chance in forming a beast core.

And to put it simply, anyone who forms their beast core with a lower cultivation could be said to be the strongest of their kind. Or you just simply call them... the geniuses of the beast race!