The story of the storyteller

As he was driving to the horizon you could tell he was moving to the west because he was driving in the sun , the man standing in the distance used a pen and he opened the book and started writing in the book , he have been doing for a half century , he remembed the first time he wrote in the book .

Location : dark universe , headquarters of the fallen

Time : 1598 bc

The fallen were alien entities that resembled like failed experiments , the way they looked would scare a child who is still in her mother womb , they were not always this way , they used to be a good civilization of harmony and technology but they fucked it up and they ended up where there today

Inside the headquarter there was a parliament for the fallen ones , they were debating something , one of them was proposing an idea about how they can move out of there he said " we have been rejected by our universe for so long but I have a solution for our problem and that lead me to the solution options

First option : we can open a hole in space and reality back to our universe and send a probe there the probe will attach it self to an being in our universe creating a spy for the fallen

Second option : we build a shelter for our people that can last eternity so our people can not die because of the dark matter affecting our bodies

It is up to you the parliament to decide."

One of the old senator wearin a fine linen stood up and everybody gave a bow to him and he replied to the option given " we shall go with the second option because it has most chance of coming to fruition and for the first option there is no guarantee it will work "

The one who proposed the idea replied " yes prime senator . it will be done "

The one who proposed the idea was known as Klaus the engineer , he moved from the parliament to his laboratory where a young man who looked around 15 years old was waiting for him , he was the son of Klaus also tell he resembled the story teller.

He asked his father " which option did they chose ?" his father replied " of course the second choices those old boozes want to take thing easy but that does mean we won`t do option one go get the experiment in vault 1999 " his son went and did what he was asked to do , he the experiment which was in crystal clear flask , the experiement looked like solid, gases, liquid fluid stuff it could not take any shape , he took it to the laboratory his father said to him " son you have to go with it to the other side of the universe" the kid shouted " I do nt wanna " when his father heard this he snapped and he said this in avery calm angry voice " suit up bitch , you better be ready when I come back " his father went outside the room to go get something, when he come back he found his son all suit up.

"are you ready " he ask , the son replied " I am ready sir"," this mission is very important do not screw it up plus do not die live on as the last beacon of our race my son .albert the last, here is a gift for journey" his father handed over the book of the story teller it was more like a journey . the boy entered an aircraft with experiment before he could take off , he saw the door being by the soldiers arresting his father. There he was then he was not , after few albert felt the argue to vomits because of the weight strain and the time and propulsion ,there he was on planet the other side of the universe , what is surprising is because the planet was so green and it got fresh air , he looked around to see he crashed landed in a barn yard he saw a woman with a large stomach , he was like holy shit what planet is this people look like they can explode.

The woman was walking and she notice a naked teenager she came close to investigate even if she was pregnant she knew some form of martial arts like taekwondo, African cow style which was the hardest form because it was a primal style when she was near the boy she saw a huge aircraft she fainted there and then

While the boy was still curious about the pregnant woman but all over a sudden something broke and that was the experiment , the boy came out of the dream just in time to see the woman fainted and to catch a grimes of the experiment entering the woman , the boy started panic . that when she woke the now tied up pregnant woman. The woman start screaming " who the fuck are you , eeeh,do you know who I am"