
Bolstering our forces

After a three days since my meeting with Mautak and Analiyah. My father is set to leave for Baguio.

"Father, can we at least talk for a while before you leave? There is something I want to ask of you." Marco seriously asked.

"Sure son, what is it?" Suluyaman said.

"Who and where is my mother? What happened and why have I not met her even once? Please don't dodge this question again." Marco said.

"Lets talk inside. It will take a day, so I think I'll just depart tomorrow morning." Suluyman said.

"Your mother is a Spanish nobility. It happened when she was just visiting this colonial territory of Spain, I met her in the docks and I always coincidentally bumped into her in Escolta, Manila. We agreed to meet every night at the riverside of Santa Mesa. And thats how you were born." Suluyman said.

"And then? Continue the story! Don't leave me hanging father."

Marco acted as if a spoiled son.

"Your mother was very beautiful, dark hair, white as porcelain and she's Spanish. I knew that you she's already married to someone known as Antoine and they have a daughter named Maria Isabel that she also brought along her here. She's already a widow at that time we met, she was very sad and worried about her sister Isabella. I believe that she was on an exile here in Philippines. I also shared to her our dream of rising up as great kingdom like Spain. After a few months, she got pregnant.

We decided to live in our estate at Calamba, Laguna so that she won't be scandalised by those prying eyes of Spaniards. She brought her daughter with her and we lived an almost paradise life. After you were born, she named you as Marco, a brave name. However, due to unknown reason of rush, she said that she'll be going back to Spain for a while because of her sister and family. She cannot bring you yet, thats what she said. She promised to return here once she settled her matters in Spain. Then she left, just after a few days of giving birth to you. But at least be thankful that she gave birth to you. If you ever wanted to search for her or any of her relatives, her name is Infanta Maria Luisa Fernanda de Espanya." Suluyman said.

"Wow, sounds like a noble name. So I really have a sister out there? I wish someday I can meet my mother's relatives." Marco said.

"That would be for the best. But remember, you are Lakan Marco. You will be the first King of the second Maharlikan Kingdom. You will make your ancestors proud, I'm sure you're mother will be proud too." Suluyman said.

The conversation continued for the rest of the day, they just stopped when one of them was already snoring.


May 1880

The Manila is now connected to Europe via Telegraphic cable by Eastern Telecom. This now tighten the grip of Spain to Philippines. But this may also prove useful after we successfully drive out the Spaniards.

"Lord, you have a visitor. Group of priests." A servant notified Marco.

"Let them in. And provide them refreshments and something to eat." Marco said.

After an hour, the group of Priests just finished eating and then proceeded to the living room inside the mansion.

"Welcome! Please take a seat. I did not expect you to be Filipino priests, its an honor to have you in my estate." Marco welcomed.

"No, nothing to worry. We came here bringing an invitation from the new Governor General, he wishes to see you face to face in his welcoming party in Intramuros." The round-faced priest said with a smile, then handed the letter to Marco.

"How come he used Priests to deliver message, why not his guards? It flatters me that you took effort to come here just because of giving me this letter. I suppose you have other business with me?" Marco said.

"Mabuhay ang Kaharian ng Maharlika." The four priests said while making a slight bow.

I was so shocked to see them gesture and say those words. I feel happy that I have new supporters!

"Yes Lakan Marco, we believe that you are the Gift of God to us. You are destined to save this country and established a Kingdom that God promises to the Filipinos. Maharlikan is our real identity, we are free men, wealthy and noble in spirit. We offer you our service. You are the prophesied King that God sent to the East." The long-faced Priest said.

Of course, I don't believe them yet. They might be spies sent by the new Governor General. Anyways, I have eyes inside the Governor General's palace.

"We understand that you don't trust us yet. So we prepared a small gift to show you our sincerity. Please take this Lakan Marco." the round-faced priest said.

I accepted the small diary, it contains the overall amount of Spaniards in Manila and the whole archipelago, number of their ships and where it is located. There are only 1,400 Spaniards in Manila including the soldiers, 300 in Vigan, 600 in Cebu and 450 in Mindanao. Overall, there are only 3,750 Spaniards! although they are small in numbers, I can estimate that they have around 3,000 well-equipped soldiers. Adding the estimated 2,000 Filipino pro-Spanish militia, they can gather 5,000 soldiers which is still a formidable foe. They have ships, cavalry and walls. I need to lure them out of their shells. They should be pooled, so that I can crush them all at once.

The diary also contains a well-drawn blueprint of Intramuros, the lieutenants of the Governor General and the route of the ships of the Spaniards coming in or out of Manila.

"Priests, may I know your names? Do you support the revolution and the establishing of Maharlika?" Marco asked.

"My name is Fr. Pio, the long-face is Fr. Alveo, the tall-thin priest is Fr. Sebastino and the bald priest is Fr. Dumas. We would like to be known as the Order of the Freemen of Christ. I, Fr. Pio, is the de facto leader. We have other members within and outside of Philippines. As we said earlier, we support the Maharlikan ideals and we will continue to support you Lakan Marco." The round-faced, Fr. Pio said.

"Good. Now, I have a favor to ask you. But don't worry as it will not relate to violence. I just want you to spread good rumors about Maharlika, spread our dream. By doing so, you will be enemies of Spain and church. But don't worry, I will send people to protect you. And after the establishment of our Kingdom, your order will be given authority to establish our national religion, Maharlikan Catholic. Will that be a good deal for you?" Marco said.

"Thank you Lakan Marco. We will do as you say. We have more urgent matters to attend, pardon our rudeness but we need to leave now. Until next time Lakan Marco." with a slight bow, Fr. Pio said and the four priests left the estate.

After that meeting, I then called on to my head spy, which is excluded from the six.

"Dodong, what can you say about the diary given by those priests?" Marco said.

"I don't trust them yet, but they can be of use for your dream. Remember, I am your eyes Lord Marco. I will confirm all these details before the end of the month of May." Dodong said.

"Please do, and after confirming all those details, submit to me a detailed report. You can now leave." Marco said.

As Dodong left, I went to the estate's barracks to talk with Tumarong.

"Tumarong, how's our overall security?" Marco inquired.

"Its all good, mighty Lakan."

Tumarong replied.

"Good, then I have a task for you. Send a squad in every province that we have an estate. The squad will recruit 200 peasants and spread good rumors about Maharlika. The recruited peasants will be trained by the squad inside the estate. In 2 months, those peasants should know how to use rifles and follow military commands by then." Marco instructed.

"As you will, mighty Lakan." Tumarong replied.

"Of course, you will also recruit here in Manila and the outlying villages, but in higher numbers. You need to train 800 people in 2 months. Same conditions but with addition that you need to pick personnels to form artillery teams." Marco instructed.

"I will never disappoint you, mighty Lakan." Tumarong said.

"I'll be checking on your progress every now and then, don't disappoint me. I'll take my leave now." Marco said.

After that, I went directly to our port to the west. I need to recruit sailors this time.

I entered a pub beside the port. The moment I entered the pub, I already saw who I'm looking for. He's sitting facing the bartender while he bottom's up his beer. I then sat beside him.

"Uncle Martinez, how's the sea?" Marco said.

"Big waves, but nothing that we can't overcome. Congratulations by the way." Martinez said.

Uncle Martinez used to be one of my father's closest aid when he was still trading overseas. Uncle Martinez was my teacher about Navigation and sea routes. He grown old by the sea, he was a Spanish and a former Commodore who serve the Portuguese navy but his ship was sunk in a battle near Macau and he was carried by waves to the coast of Ilocos where my father happens to be in the area to resupply. Martinez then decided to join my father's trader ship. Now that my father rose his power and wealth, Martinez became the head of all our trading ships but he chose not to join my six aids since he wants me to come to him if I need something. But I don't mind, as long as he's with us, thats what matters.

"Can you still train sailors who can utilize a warship, uncle Martinez? or should I say, Commodore Martinez?" Marco said.

"Bluhh, thats a long time ago. But I can still sailors fitting to be navy that can compete with Spanish navy, is that what you want?" Martinez said.

"Yes uncle, but not to compete with the Spanish navy. I want a navy equal to the British Royal navy." Marco said.

"HAHAHAHA! That was a good joke. Quit joking Marco." Martinez said.

"I'm being serious Uncle! Can you do it in 2 months?" Marco said.

"No. I can train decent sailors in 2 months for your Navy but not to the level of the British navy. Not even in a hundred years." Martinez said.

"Thats good enough uncle! Can you also lead these Sailors later on?" Marco said.

"I'm too old for that, kid. I will just train naval officers for you, but not in good quality if its just 2 months. However, they can still lead at that." Martinez said.

"That will suffice uncle! Can you also train my 2nd degree cousin to be a naval officer? Observe if he has potential to be a Commodore like you or even an Admiral!" Marco said.

"Just tell him to come tomorrow at the docks. By the way, how many sailors are we talking about?" Martinez said.

"500 sailors uncle, you can recruit anywhere you want as long as they are loyal and trustworthy. Cebu is a good place to recruit aside from Manila. I will also send your budget tomorrow morning." Marco said.

"Thats good enough." Martinez said

"Then I'll leave now uncle. Take care." Marco said.

For sure, these unusual activity will alert the Spanish authority. But there's no turning back. This is the best time to strike while they have internal conflict in Spain and colony problem in Mexico and Cuba.

I just pray to Bathala that we can defeat Spaniards quick before other foreign powers react.