
Stepping stone

"Lord Marco, I have a report. One of the Spanish officer said that they have reinforcements coming from Acapulco. They sent another messenger to Acapulco right after we sabotaged the first messenger." the Maharlikan officer reported.

"This is bad. Once that reinforcements reached here, we are done for. I just hope that we capture Manila faster than their arrival." Marco said to himself.

"Everyone! Hasten up. We will cross the Pasig river using those boats. We cannot bring the artillery because it will further destroy the city. And these tremors won't stop for a while. We head straight to the Governor General's palace." Marco said.

At the same time, the three Army lieutenants departs. They are heading for the districts of Manila and hasten the process of capturing the city.

Also at the same time, the Governor General cowers then headed to the port to look for a huge ship with his close aid. He knows that he cannot win the war, that is why he wants to escape now while he still have his life. Unfortunately, he found no sight of ships at the port, instead they found dead bodies lay around the port.

"That was easy, we head to the fortified island of Corrigedor. Make sure to ready the ship's cannons and your guns too. We'll be there in a few hours." A naval officer instructed.


"Looks like they abandoned this place. Set defensive perimeter in that, that, that and that area. Set barricades if necessary, they might return." Marco ordered.

"50 men, guard this place. The rest of you, follow me. we'll sweep the surrounding area." Marco said.

While on the streets, I asked a beggar if he saw people went out of the palace and where did they went.

"Sir, I saw the governor general with his close aids, they were rushing to port I believe. Please give me food." the beggar said.

"Here. Don't worry, once this is done, no one will be hungry. I promise." Marco said.

Our Maharlikan troops and I also went to the port area with caution. I ordered my troops to check the surrounding streets and ask the locals about the whereabouts of Spanish soldiers. However, all of the locals just hid inside their homes and locked their doors. Only the homeless was left in the streets. We gave them food, they tell us Spanish troops whereabouts.

On our way to the port area, we heard series of gunshots from the south and from nearby districts. By then, I knew that my Army troops encountered Spanish resistance.

As we arrive to the port area, I first saw the well-positioned trade outpost with barricaded windows with small openings where rifles can fit. I knew it by then that General Primo is inside that outpost with his personal aids.

"General Primo, surrender now! We know you're in there. Don't make your life difficult." Marco said with distance to the outpost.

"Never! You lowly indios will never defeat us!" General Fernando Primo said.

"Sorry General, but not today. However, if you surrender, you and your men will be spared and be sent back to Acapulco, safely." Marco said.

"It should be you, peasants, who should surrender while you still can! Spanish reinforcements will be arriving today!" General Primo said.

"Then before they arrive, we will kill you all!" Marco said.

"Viva Espanya! FUEGO!!!" General Primo shouted.

"So its non-negotiable afterall." Marco mumbled to himself.

Gunshots fired from the trading outpost, Maharlikan troops then dropped themselves and find a covering. Unfortunately, there are men who got shot, some died but most are injured.

"Everyone, lock and load. Fire on my signal, then advance. Clear?" Marco instructed.

"Clear Sir!" Maharlikan troops responded.

In an hour, I made a few advances to the cart of fruits, other soldiers did the same, little by little we came closer to them. The Spanish soldiers inside the outpost are shooting at us if they see parts exposed. We are just around 80 meters from them in the outpost, I told my troops to halt and catch their breath.

Then another hour has passed, the Spanish soldiers inside are really restless and so they are more fatigue now and a little blurring vision. I instructed my troops to throw fruits towards the outpost like melons, apples, mangoes, etc. And every time we hurl fruits, they shoot it until they got tired and their ammo's exhausted.

When I felt like their firing rate is getting lower, fewer gunshot can be heard. I know that those Spaniards are real scared this time, thats why it's time to end this.

"Fuego!" Marco shouted.

Hundreds of rifles fired in unison, hundreds of bullets showered to the small wooden trading outpost.

"Again, fire!" Marco commanded again.

Another round of bullet shower struck the outpost, gun smokes filled the air to almost zero visibility.

"Ready knife, advance!" Marco ordered again.

The trading outpost cannot be recognized as a building anymore. As one of my soldier carefully opened the door, we saw splattered blood, gore on the floor and the General Primo sitting that seemed defeated. I knew that he knows that we're here, he just chose not to move. He got gunshot wounds at his torso and it seem he will not last long with those wounds.

"You should've surrendered earlier. You know that I honor my words." Marco said.

"Such a young lad, and yet a brave one. I wish my son is like you, but he passed away first. I was planning this all along. I know that this will be the outcome. Let my death be honourable and end me with your gun. Let me be your stepping stone to be a King respected by all." Governor General Fernando Primo said.

"Then, you shall be remembered in the archives. Its been a great battle, adios."

Marco said then pointed his revolver to General Primo.

And just like that, the Governor General Fernando Primo died honourably. A life-size statue of his image will be erected here to honour this enemy who fought valiantly.


"Yes! I never expected that they'll take the bait that easily." General Tumarong mumbles.

"Order the reserves to ready to charge. Wait for my signal." General Tumarong instructed.

On the side of the Spaniards, their troops were following a routine of firing their rifles while advancing. This move was effective against Maharlikan troops. Some of the exposed heads of the Maharlikan troops bursted open. At the same time, the Maharlikan men are less organized since much of them are volunteer-militias. Just a little provocation from the Spaniards, the Maharlikan militias then charged or others routed.

"General, we have a lot of losses while the Spanish forces has little loss." A Maharlikan officer reported.

"Don't worry, we're defending but we'll turn the tides later." Tumarong said.

"Conquistadores, hold the line! Keep up the pace! Anyone caught disobeying military orders will be severely punished." A Spanish officer shouted from time to time. A bloody clash is about to happen and that clash will decide the victor of this battle.

While the war in the east is reaching its climax, Marco was sweeping the City center of Manila. The Maharlikan troops occupied all of the Spanish sentry posts. Marco first secured the Treasury where he assigned his most trusted aides to transfer the treasures to the Royal estate in a secure room. Then Marco led the rest of his personal guards to the armory and victory is now assured.

The bloody battle in the east of Manila has now concluded with heavy loses on both sides, but the Maharlikan troops won.

As the sun sets, all battle has ended. The Maharlikans won but with severe losses. However, it was worth the price for freedom and independence. The aftermath was devastating for the city of Manila. The wounded are treated, the dead were buried, houses and infrastructures are being repaired. Since the weapon used are somehow oldish, the damage was not severe and the reconstructions are quickly finished within months. As for the Spanish survivors, they were imprisoned awaiting for trial.

After the battle of Manila was finally concluded three days later, at Bagumbayan (Luneta) where a crowd of over a hundred thousands was gathered facing a wooden stage. Maharlikan flags was raised in all corners of Manila and a flag of Maharlika was set up at the center of the wooden stage.

The Maharlikan flag was personally modified by Marco himself for this grandiose victory, a rising sun in the side of the pole to the left with 5 rays colored with crimson red representing the Royalty as the Sun and the rays are Luzon region, Visayan region, Mindanao region, Sabah region and Kalayaan region including Palawan. Also, a navy blue background color representing the sea where it depicts that Maharlika is a Maritime nation.

Marco arrives riding a white ferghana horse wearing his formal royalty attire, a long sleeve barong color white, a sash navy blue in sea wave design in harmony with the crimson red blazing fire. A slim fit pants in shining black, and a dark brown shoes. This clothing attire was customized by a French fashion designer and sewn in France as well. It was made months ago for this day.

Upon Marco's arrival to the platform stage, the crowd started cheering various chants like "All hail King Marco!", "Viva Maharlika!", "Maharlika forever!" and so on... Looks like the Religious order made him a favor. As soon as he stepped to the stairs, Padre Pio, the religious leader of the Order of the Freemen of Christ (OFC), received him and led him to the center of the stage. The cheers grew louder and louder where you can already feel the pride of each countrymen present. Marco made his speech.

"It has been centuries since the last time we felt this kind of freedom. I thank all of the Maharlikans who took part of this glorious event. I salute all of the warriors who fought by my side, for freedom! Let this be a time for our great nation to heal and be greater than ever before. Let the invaders tremble upon our true might. Join me, my fellow countrymen." Marco ended his speech.

Marco then took his leave of the celebrating crowd. While the OFC remained and spread out the words of God, including the foreseen prophesy of a King given by God himself.

Since that day, the crowd speculated and believed that Marco is the Heaven-sent King by God. The people present in that event spread out the words and it quickly reached to the isolated islands. All the people in the Archipelago knows that "A King is born, sent by the Heavens!"


Manila City.

"My lord (gino-o), what are your orders? " Dodong half knelt.

"News." Marco said one word.

"All foreign powers knew of your claim, some are preparing an invasion but some were sending gifts and emissaries. Various factions abroad are reacting to the happenings here. France and Britain are the ones most reactive. America is also showing signs of interest here, they are now building their fleets in the Pacific. The good news today is that, more rebellions occured in our neighbourhood such as the Indonesians against the Dutch, Malaysians against the British, Viet against French and the biggest movement is in China. Therefore, Britain, France, Germany and Dutch will not likely invade us soon. But, America and Japan might do." Dodong reported.

"How about the Spaniards and Portuguese? Are they still busy?" Marco inquired.

"Yes, Spanish are losing their colonies in the Americas and internal civil war is becoming their biggest problem. Portugal is also facing political and financial struggles."

"Good, keep an eye on the US. Assassinate the US president if you have the chance. You may leave now." Marco said.

"As you will." Dodong left with a half bow.

As soon as Dodong left, a maid enters. "Lord, your council awaits in the briefing room."

"Okay, thank you." Marco said.


In a round table, the council consisting of Marco's retainers and a few addition are present.

"I think it is time to upgrade this estate into a Palace, deserving of its name!" Magtibay proposed.

"I think, we should think focus on strengthening this country militarily and secure our borders quickly before another invader knock us out!" Tumarong suggested.

"After the battle, we received various demands from countries we had asked favour. If we make them wait, our relations might turn sour." Manalili commented.

"Nah, they do that because we are weak! Show them our might, then they will treat us with respect!" Tumarong said.

"Our trade was heavily affected by the recent war, I suggest that we focus on domestic commerce now until we stabilize the country." Mautak reported to Marco.

Everyone was flabbergasted by noticing Marco who is already present for quite some time.

"Since we have a Country to manage, it is best to establish a system first. For everyone to be aware, this Country is a Kingdom." Marco announced.

"If that is the case, there is no opposition. Let this be a Kingdom and a formal coronation will be held three days from now." Padre Pio said who was also present in the Briefing room with the core members of the OFC.

"Thats right! A coronation first!" Everyone agreed.

"Thank you, this will not be made possible if not for everyone's help." Marco thanked.