Why my life is so adventurous.

While Ming was waiting for the elevator, there was a person who was kept staring at her from the side.

Though she didn't look at the back, still she felt that someone is looking at her. She felt uncomfortable. She coughed a little to hide her embarrassment. She doesn't know what to do in this kind of situation, as it was her first time coming from the house alone that too in this modern world.

The rules of this world are different from hers. If it was the ancient time, and some random man found harassing the Empress, he could be tortured in the prison for a week without any food and water or in extreme cases could be hanged to death. But this cannot be done in this world, as she was not any Empress and there is a law that does not allow these kinds of ruthless punishments.

In the 21st century, even the criminals have their rights. So she can't act reckless and beat him like this.