Why don't you try acting?

When Jian Yan left Tang Nian's office, he saw Xie Ming sitting outside on the couch in the side. He looked at her and went on his way.

Xie Ming saw him going out of the office and wondered if she knows him. But she can't remember anything. She can't find a person similar to him. She thought that he may be looking at her because she is beautiful. A smug smile comes to her lips.

At that time, she heard a voice. It was Chen Xi, who was wearing a grim expression on her face as she called Xie Ming for the interview.

Xie Ming looked at her and chuckled, then she went towards the office of Tang Nian and knocked. 

When Tang Nian heard a knock, she looked up and said," Come in". She was reading the questionnaire of Xie Ming at that time.

Xie Ming pushed the room open and entered. She stood at the door and smiled in greeting.