Is she ignoring me?

Xie Ming smiled awkwardly when she heard Mrs. Wu's words. 

Xie Ming had no words to counter her self appreciating words.

Before Mrs. Wu can say anymore, Jian Yan who was sitting at the couch earlier stood up and started walking towards them.

Xie Ming's eyebrows raised in surprise as he was walking towards them.

He was wearing a casual blue and white checked shirt with black trousers and was looking attractive with his flawlessly carved features and pointed jaws. 

With his shirt's sleeves rolled up, his veins were obvious making him look more appealing and handsome. The casual look makes him more approachable and handsome.

His looks were on par with Liwei's but not above him. Liwei is still the most desirable man in the country in terms of looks and power.

He walked towards them and stood beside Mrs. Wu and called out to her, " Mom."