Are you guys done?

Wen Xu glared at Zhao Ming when Ji Cheng roared at them as if trying to tell her that she was the cause for all this mess.

Zhao Ming who just woke up furrowed her brows as she saw the blaming glare of Wen Xu. 

'I don't even know what's happening and they are already giving me a death glare.' she wondered as she glared back as Wen Xu.

Wen Xu's blood started to boil when Zhao Ming glared at her. She had no words to describe her anger.

She sighed heavily as she tried to control her anger.

Ji Cheng looked at Wen Xu and Xiao Li and asked, " Will you speak what was so important that you didn't care to take permission of me and came in barging like this? "

" And Mother You."

"You should have at least consider before barging in your son's room like this. I didn't expect this kind of immature behavior from you." he scolded her because he was frustrated by her attitude.