It's good that I didn't get up

Xie Ming sat on her seat facing the window and looked outside. 

They were in the city, so all she could see was cars, buildings and malls. However, it was her first time sitting in a bus like this. 

This gives a different vibe when she sits in a car. The same road but it feels entirely different. 

It was her first time going put somewhere without Liwei. She looked at her phone and sighed. 

She wanted to call him but was worried to disturb him. He must be on the flight right now unless he would have called her informing his arrival.

She sighed lightly as she felt heavy in her heart. She felt empty in her heart because the person she wanted the most was not beside her. 

However, for her, it was another experience that could help her gain confidence and make her independent. 

Meeting new people and socializing can help you grow as a person.