Your memory is indeed weak.

When Xie Ming finally woke up opened her eyes slowly while fluttering her long dark eyelashes.

It was late in the afternoon when she woke up and she could see the picturesque view in front of her. 

Her surroundings were covered with mountains and trees. The view was very refreshing and distinct from the city's look.

The air was fresh and beautiful. She smiled lightly seeing the sun moving with the speed of their bus and it looked like that the sun was accompanying them.

She could see clouds in the sky which were looking like a cotton ball. She could not help but smile seeing this relaxing ambiance.

She rubbed her eyes slightly and raised her head. But suddenly a realization hit her and she looked at her side and was shocked to see a man with broad shoulders sleeping beside her.

She finally realized that she was sleeping for all this while with her head on his shoulder.