Will you get angry at me if I do this?

Zhao Ming looked at Ji Cheng and said, " Your Majesty, can I ask you something?" 

Ji Cheng nodded and said, " Yes. What is it?" 

" Your Majesty, I don't want to hold a meeting at Orchid pavilion. Can I change the venue of the meeting?" 

Zhao Ming doesn't want to hold the meeting at the orchid pavilion because if she held the meeting there then Wen Xu will use her authority to control her. 

Ji Cheng nodded and said," Yes, you can. Since you're the Empress, you have the power to hold the meeting anywhere. But you have to send the information about the change in the venue to everyone, so that they can attend the meeting." he explained since she doesn't know the workings of the harem yet. 

Zhao Ming nodded. 

Though she has no idea about the workings of the harem but she has studied business and has a capability to manage a company itself.