Are you sure that Wen Xu said these words?

Zhao Ming stared at the precious beautiful ring. She has never seen such an authentic and beautiful ring. It's so colorful but it didn't reduce her charm, instead, it made it look more beautiful.

Ji Cheng was also surprised that Grandmother Shuren gave this ring to Zhao Ming. This ring is so precious and not only materialistically but it holds quite meaning to it. This ring has been given to Shuren by the late Emperor as a gift when she got married.

His mother has always told him about this ring and how she always wanted to have it but Shuren never gave this ring to anyone and always kept it with her.

He knows that Grandmother Shuren treasures this ring so much yet she gave it Zhao Ming?

" Grandmother Shuren…" Ji Cheng wanted her to take back this ring because it holds quite a meaning for her but Shuren glared at him and gestured him to shut up.