Old friend

We woke up early to get a head start. That and we are excited to get there. Emily wants to find a perfect place for our bass. One that we can see the castle but they can't see us. Were not that far away. We finally get close we take a look around. Emily here will be good its in the shade and safe they can't see us from here. Emily took charge and gave us all one job to go ahead and do. We got to work ASAP. Emily and I headed into the forest to find some food. Who ever else that was done with there job headed are way to help. It was nice and quite peaceful. Until something broke the silence.....Is someone saying help?

Emily- Is that a person I can't tell?

Kat- ( That voice sounds familiar.)

The sound get louder its coming to us. We saw some bushes moving Emily and Andrew pull out there swords and I made a fireball.. A boy comes out and he sees us...He looks scared.

Kat- Guys put down your weapons were scaring him.

???- Fire?? Who are ya'll can you help me please.

Emily- ( Why did he say fire?)

Kat- Yes we can help..Are you ok? Whats your name?

???- I go by Shad....And you are?

Kat- ( It can't be Shad I haven't heard from him in years I can't tell him my name not now.) My name is not important right now come with us we will help you.

We walk back to bass and Emily pull me away to talk.

Emily- Do you know this guy?

Kat- In time you will know...For now you must wait.

We get back to bass and we give Shad some food and we cleaned him off..He stands up and looked at all of us with a wired look.

Shad- Thank you for helping me. I was like a war zone getting out of that place.

Emily- Wait you were in there? For how long?

Shad- 5 years...

While hes talking hes only looking at me but why??

Andrew- Why are you looking at her?

Shad- She looks so familiar to me.

Kat- So do you?

Emily- Can someone please tell me how ya'll might know each other.

Kat- I only know one person that goes by the name of Shad but I haven't heard from him in years 5 to be exact. Shad does the name Nightmare ring a bell?

Shad- You can't be her...Prove it show me your wrist...

I show him my right wrist that had a mark on it like a tattoo. The look on his face was priceless. He showed me his as well and of course no one knew what was going on.

Emily- What does this mean???

Andrew- Ya i'm confused?

Kat- Guys this is Shad my oldest and best friend we played and talked ever day of our lives but one day we left Element High I thought I would never see or hear from him again but here we are. Shad would you help us defeat this evil queen?

Shad- You don't have to ask that you know I'm in.

Kat- Ok guys hands in we attack tomorrow....1...2...3...Go