
What In Reincarnation?!

Rapid tapping Echo's throughout a Placid room. the Walls Adorned with Maps of video games, Pro-Gamers, and Posters from a few note-worthy Anime. Across the room, sat a teenager, roughly Sixteen, standing at a height of about five feet and nine inches. his hair was a dark brown color, while his eyes shone pure green, a rather uncommon color, some would say rare. This man's name is Daniel Elliot. Daily gamer, sucks at school. His life has been filled with Gaming on his Computer, from MMORPG's to Grand Strategy. though, he primarily plays his strategy games. He almost always has his phone in his Right Pocket. School wise, he is down in the dumps. due to almost never studying, he failed everything he came across, which did not give him a good reputation among his teachers.

Moving on to the Social Part? Can you truly call slumping around inside of a small room and only really coming out for food living? But then again, Young Daniel did not have the fortune of living in a Rich family, nor did he have the Distasteful opportunity to live impoverished. His life was, to put at its best, Average. Well, albeit without the anti-social, horrible grades parts. If Daniel were to disappear, No-one would care, and why would they turn their eyes to someone who was, at almost all basics, invisible? that was, of course, his thoughts. he believes no-one will ever truly care. His mother and father have expressed a multitude of times that they wish he was dead, so why would anyone else have differing thoughts?

"Daniel! Get your lazy ass down here!" he heard the scream from his Mother, as he sighed in frustration. They always relied on him. His younger siblings did worst things to his parents, but he never understood why they hated him. Due to this, their relationship was extremely strained. His mother and father would mumble things, about how he was a " Good for nothing failure ", and how he " Should just jump off a bridge and free us from our chains ". his parents did not care for him, and he gave no reason as for why they should. he opened his door and walked down the stairs, where his mother and father stood.

His mother was a short woman, standing at only 5 foot 3. her hair was originally blonde but had adopted a brunette color recently. his father stood at roughly 6 foot 3. this man was not his biological father, due to his real father being a drug addict who couldn't even pay child support.

"It's time you get a job. pack your shit and live on your own!" Alarmed he panicked. Did they really think he could survive on his own? a teenager? was this really legal? "Is that even legal?! Im a teenager, I haven't even completed high school yet!" His mother and father's distasteful faces grew with scorn, As if they care, they haven't cared in years. "I don't care, it's not like you'll even pass highschool. You know what? get out, I cannot even care to look at such a sorry excuse, don't pack up, it's our shit anyways." He sighs, deciding not to argue with his parents, he walked out, and after a few feet, he heard the audible *SLAM!* from the door as they locked the door. I guess they really were going to do this? Daniel Sighed, What did they know? his mother hasn't gone to work in years and his father sits at work yelling at people, truely god is not forgiving.

Deciding to walk around and look for a place to work, Daniel roamed the vast city of New York, the "Gateway to freedom" which had recently (as of 2001) become an overly surveyed area. Camera's filming at all times. No escaping the government's all-seeing eye. Oh, what Daniel would do to fix all of the problems of the world. But what could he do? He was a teenager, with nothing but the clothes on his back and the phone on his pocket with less than 2% left. Daniel paid less and less attention, he soon stood at the corner of a street, a large group of people were waiting to cross the street just as Daniel was. "Hey, Daniel buddy!" Daniel looked to his left to see James Burris, the Highschool Quarterback. He stood at around six foot four and had his girlfriend Stacy Holand at his side.

"Hey, James. what do you want?" James and Stacy now stood in front of Daniel, who held a bored expression. "I can't say hi? hehe, if it wasn't for you the other day, Me and Stacy would never have gotten together! I owe you everything!" Chuckling, Daniel stared at James for another moment, before speaking. "dont worry about it, in this world, you matter more than I ever-" "He's got a gun!!!"

Someone yelled as a man wearing a green 15 football jersey pulled out a gun and aimed at James. Instinctively, Daniel got in the way of Daniel and Stacy just as the gunmen started firing, shielding the two from the bullets. within seconds the man took off, screaming something about a rivalry between two schools. "Daniel! Aw man, J-just hang in there!" James tried applying pressure to the bullet wounds on Daniel, but it only slowed the already rapid bleeding." why'd you do it daniel?! Why?!" James still tried applying pressure as Stacy came out of her glazed look "Daniel!!"

When Daniel opened his Eyes, it was no-longer of the light-blue sky filled with smog, but rather a ceiling covered in white paint with hints of grey scattered in a pattern. "What happened?" Daniel rubbed his head which was pulsing with a headache. "M-my lord!" Daniel looked to his left and saw a maid with laundry in her hands... just what had happened?!