
Most would believe that the empress is scary and mad with power, but that he's not. Empress is very kind, too kind per se.

"Greetings to Your majesty", they spoke.

"Rise." He spoke, "So I heard there was a festival in town and I know we're not allowed to go, so I thought we could have the servants make food and eat in the garden does that sound good."

"Your majesty is so wise." Spoke Consort summer.

"I'm not wise, it's just a suggestion. Consort Summer, no need to make it over thought here." He replied, "if nothing else I'll let you go."

They left and the empress went back to his palace, he laid on the bed and read a book, not hearing the announcement of the Emperor stopping by.

"Eh hem." He spoke.

"Oh, eh. Greetings to Your majesty." Cielo spoke.

"Empress, what are you doing laying around reading a book?" He asked.

"Well, Your majesty I usually read books and nothing else," Cielo replied.

"Don't you know there are servants whispering about you, gossiping saying that the only reason you have this position is because of your father." He replied.

"Hm, well then I'll let Aki take care of it," Cielo spoke.

His voice was cold, not the normal sweet voice.

"Yes, Young Master," Aki replied.

"Anything else your majesty?" Cielo Asked.

Yuki looked and saw a calm young man lying there like nothing big is happening.

"No, can't I just visit you cause I can." He replied.

"I mean you're the emperor, I have no say whether you favor me or not." Cielo Said, "I've heard consort summers boast about how you favor her a tone to me all the time, she gets mad cause I don't say anything and just eat my snack."

"My empress, you can't let people bully you," Yuki spoke.

"I'm not, I'm letting her think she can do this. When you stop favoring her, I'll do anything I please. It's called using people my dear husband." Cielo replied.

"My Lord, You can't talk to his majesty this way! That's very disrespectful—"

"Silence!" Yuki Shouted.

Yuki liked Cielo, this way. He heard that he lost his memory and thought this was a joke, but seems not.

"My empress can speak this way only between us, and act any way he pleases. If any of you servants dare tell what happened in this room to anyone else, you will lose your head." Yuki spoke.

"I'm hungry, is Aki back yet I miss his food already," Cielo commented.

Yuki smiled, he liked this Cielo. He became more interested.

"Young master, Your majesty. Imperial noble consort is on your way to this palace." Aki spoke, "I have also prepared dinner in advance as per normal, please enjoy."

"Your majesty! Your majesty! Something terrible happened, Consort summer spilled Tea all over my new dress that Your majesty gave me!" Such Shouted.

"Eh? Deal with it your self. I'm eating, off duty." Cielo replied.

Suchi stood there in shock, the empress was eating and off duty?

"My empress, you have to do something," Yuki replied.

"But she's a pain, they're both a pain. Can't they squabble among themselves." Cielo Said.

Suchi ran back and decided on the idea.

"I'm done, tired of going to bed. Sleep here or whatever." Cielo replied.

Cielo fell asleep on the bed.

"Your majesty I apologize for his majesty's mood today. He didn't get his afternoon nap due to Consort summer eating here all afternoon, and eating his lunch as well." Aki explained.

[All cause of one nap, my empress is odd, interesting indeed.] Yuki thought.

"I'll be back in the morning after court," Yuki spoke.

"The empress won't be up till 8, Your majesty. He typically sleeps in on days he doesn't have morning greetings." Aki informed.