10[Empress has to go visit his family]

"Empress there's a letter from madame saying she wants to visit you, and you can't refuse," Aki replied.

"But..I'm the empress and she's not," Cielo replied.

Cielo sighed, "Fine then, off we go."

Aki had prepared a carriage for the ride, but Chen didn't want his auntie to leave.

"Chen Chen, you have your self and make sure that uncle of yours doesn't get used by a stupid old man. Other than that I'll be back alright, you be a good little boy." Cielo replied.

"Yes, Auntie," Chen replied.

They left for the general's mansion, little away from the imperial palace.

"Aki, what's my family like?" Cielo Asked.

"Well Master is away at war right now, Madame runs the whole household and your little sister is to be married to the ninth prince in a few mere weeks. Although the household alright but you were not very favored and barely had anything per se. But now your empress so you hold a title no one dares threaten. At least that's what most people think at least." Aki explained.

They arrived and Cielo saw his supposed little sister, standing there being so "formal".

"Greetings to the empress, you must be—"

"I'm not tired nor care for your flattery. Get on with the day. I'll have Aki show me to my room." Cielo replied.

The madame and his sister froze, they don't remember him being so blunt and cold, when he was young, he was quiet and soft-hearted.

"You—How dare you to treat us this way, just because your empress doesn't mean his majesty favors you one bit!" She cursed.

"In contrast, his majesty does favor me enough to have harmony. I nor care for such stupid things as such, like status or such things as beauty. I believe everyone should be equal in this world." Cielo spoke.

They stood there as he walked away, with such a cold tone in his voice you could hardly tell he was 16.

"Brother! You—!" His sister shouted.

"I've decided let's go back Aki, this place is such a..pity," Cielo replied.

"Yes, Empress," Aki replied.

"Pity? How dare you say the place you were born and raised, a pity? Have you gone mad now that you are an empress? But remember this, I'm the madame and your sister is the Young miss, you'll never be someone here, ever." She spoke.

"Well, when in Rome do as the Romans do, when in this place, fuck off the tramp," Cielo spoke as he walked away back to the carriage.

"Entering the ninth prince!" A servant shouted.

"Brother-in-law! Wait why are you leaving? I wanted to talk and catch up." He spoke.

"A Cha please you have come for me? Why didn't you come to my palace to visit." Cielo replied.

"Brother in law, Royal Brother Said I couldn't unless you let me." He whined.

"It's alright, you can come with me. I have Aki with me if you'd like?" Cielo Asked.

"Yeah, Brother-in-law I'd love to..but I getting married and I have to check up on my fiancé," Acha replied.

"It's alright I'll see you when we You have time A Cha, I going back to my palace. I'll see you later." Cielo replied.

"Excuse us, ninth prince." Aki replied "Empress I have news from the imperial palace, it seems selection is happening tomorrow. Please try to behave for his majesty."

"Of course Aki, I would not do that," Cielo replied.