13[Nana’s revenge against the empress]

"Great even more trouble came," Cielo muttered.

"Empress this is your mother in law have some respect," Aki spoke.

"Greetings to Imperial grandmother," Chen replied.

"Greetings to mother in law," Cielo spoke.

"Greetings to your highness, Empress dowager." She Spoke.

Aki didn't speak, never in front of her.

"Nana, here claims that you've fed her a bad cake." She Spoke.

"Hey I was joking then she decided to eat, not my fault," Cielo replied.

"I was there to see it all, Your Highness," Aki spoke.

"Well, I will assign her here, because you only really ever use on servant around here." She spoke, "Anyways I'm leaving."

She left, blah blah blah blah!

"Well since I have no choice, let's see what you can do. Aki, show nana the kitchen I want her to make a crepe!" Cielo Shouted, "Any decent chef should know how to make that if you don't then of the bathroom duty with you."

"My empress, what are you doing?" Yuki Asked.

"Way to go you didn't even ask, at least knock next time. Anyways your mother has assigned me this maid and I wanna see what she can do." Cielo explained, "So I want here to make a crepe if she fails she has bathroom duty till Christmas."

"Christmas? My empress, what is that?" Yuki Asked.

"That's something I'll explain when it's close to December." Cielo replied "Now bring on the crepes! Times up!"

Aki and Nana gave there crepe's, Aki's looks good as per normal, while Nana's looks rushed?

"Now to eat them, You take your hand grab it and eat it like your eating a sandwich." Cielo explained, "Let's try Aki's first."

They all took a bite, "Yummy! I never could expect anything less from Aki, now let's taste Nana's crepe."

They all took a bite, Cielo felt off, like really off.

"Aki, what's in the crepe? Tell me now?" Cielo Asked.

"Empress, it seems that I'd have...a Blood red cherry's in them. Empress shall I dispose of her." Aki replied.

"Yes, now," Cielo replied.

Cielo fainted, Yuki was angry.

"Aki, what are blood-red cherries?" Yuki Asked.

"There poison your majesty, they've very dangerous to the empress's people for thousands of years. If I were to eat one I'd die as well, luckily it was a sliver for nothing more then weak body for a few days." Aki spoke "But since my master has asked me to dispose of you that means you are more troublesome then your worth, now if you excuse me, your majesty, Chen Chen. Guards send her to the cold palace, under the order of the empress, and if her highness asks to tell her that it was because she tried to KILL the empress."

"Between you and me Chen Chen, Aki's scarier, then I'll ever be," Cielo whispered.

"Auntie, your okay." Chen Said.

"Yeah, not really. Chen Chen, could you make Aki doesn't go on a killing spree, that'd be great." Cielo spoke softly "Now that I think about it I should have known this would happen. But my good question how did a little maid know about the blood-red cherry."

"Auntie, Shush! Stop talking rest now so I can play with you when you are better!" Chen Shouted.

"Kai, I want you to find out who wanted to kill my empress when I find out who it is I will have them executed on the spot," Yuki spoke.

"Yes, Your majesty. Whatever you command of me I shall do." Kai replied.