25[For protection from the green tea *****! Hello? We’re you not paying attention idiot!]

I sighed, 'This guy for being the CEO of a big industry he's so slow, not knowing that a mere lady tried to court with you hadn't I known this you would've been in her grasp with her seemly small hands!'

"Nothing at all, nothing at all," I mutter.

I looked at him, as he gave me a little glare, "There are no other men involved so stop having thoughts of jealously yandere mode you have there." I reply.

It was quiet then he said, "Go back to your self, it's not okay, never can be okay."

"What? I don't get it?" I asked.

He looked at me with a sweet little smile, "Everything's back to normal."

I was confused at what was happening but no one had answered me, wouldn't dare, cause they were ordered, to shut up.

"What's back to normal? I didn't say anything weird did I?" I asked.

My phone rang, "Hello who is it?"

"Boss, there's something I forgot to mention, so remember that a..guy Boss Hika mentioned, he's in town doing business with the a..Ai family so I wanted to tell you."

"Ah! I see have a. Kuro looks into as well." I said. "Make sure no one knows, I mean no one at all, not even, Hika. I wanna make sure there will be no blood on the ground or none dead, you hear, that's an order."

"Yes, Boss. I have your specific orders and shall not disobey."

"Good. I'll have to call you later there's an annoying little thing crawling some door trying to get dirt on me, this might take a while." I reply.

I hanged up the phone, looked at the folder and opened to his name..Shi Ai, Huh no way is he going to my partner is this stuff, little rat.

He going down with her, big time!

"Hmm? Something wrong? Not a good phone call." He replied.

"Turns out my "business partner" is not better than a dirty little traitor, so I'm gonna do the only reasonable thing to do..drag his family down into ruins." I say "For my sake and for yours as well."

"What? Why?" He asked.

"Cause the person he dealing with ain't one I like nor does any I know like, also cause a little girl ain't someone she is needing to mess with me right now," I explained.

"Cielo, Calm down. And I don't need you to deal with all of this stuff, I could—"

"You ain't doing crap, It's my way or nothing to it," I replied.

I look over to see her and HIM talking together over near that back alleyway.

"Hey, the little nice guy could you please help me out."

"What do you want lady? Get out of my way! Now! Before your dead m—"

"Oh man, I really wanted to get rid of someone and I bet you don't like them either." She muttered.

"Hmm, who could it possibly be for a little lady like your self not to like."

"Cielo." She spoke in a cold tone in her voice, all the emotion disappeared.

"I see, He's a friend of my enemy so naturally I will have to kill him as well." He spoke in a rather venomous tone.

"Then shall we have a deal, this will benefit us both, greatly." She replied.

"Indeed it shall, little lady." He said.