Ha! Like you could kill us!

The men laughed dying on the ground, "A mere child like you! How c-could you!"

Jojo teleports behind them and knocks out all of them, "Good now this will be less painful for your deaths."

Jojo grabbed a sword, stabbed each and every one of them, to death, blood splattered all over, the sword and his clothes. Jojo turned around to Xi, "You! Problematic kid!"

Xi prevailed in enthusiasm for two things, one, Jojo slew a multitude of folk without flat inquiring their originality, but can deduce that out tardy, two, he insulated in blood, rendering people very vulnerable in the midsection, some of them vacating to go puke in the lavatory.

"Kid? I'm obsolete than you. So commit go reprimanding me, I'm only doing my job, I was getting paid for nothing else." Jojo retorted.

Jojo smiled, "Never mind, that. We have to address something else as well. It seems a bunch of men, who I believe are ministers in my mother court have tried to assassinate me, but there lifeless, so that's okay, but the leader who made this all conceivable must be punished."

Xi gazed at his mother in disgust, "Your the one who planned this dear, mother of mine. Now as to your final words, I must ask, why did you want to kill me? Your dear beloved son?"

"I never cherished you, straight through you occurred the conclusive thing of your pops, I..I retained no intention in the matter, he slew your brother all cause he was compassionate! It wasn't even the child's shortcoming, it occurred the outrageous aunt of yours, cursing him cause she found out I was with another man at the duration, but besides the sense, I thought to take the thing he most treasured for revenge of mine!" She shouted.

Xi has flattened his eyes, "All of this for the brother who was planning to execute you!"

Her highness watches wept as well, "Yes so it may be that I perish here and now on your birthday, slain in bitter blood."

Jojo, on the other hand, had neither known or cared for such a thing, it was impossible for him to feel, at this point.

"Slain in bitter blood is better than getting killed by a gun or poisoned. You have much better luck then some people. You had a chance to fall in love and live to the end for it." Jojo spoke softly, "Nothing like me at all."

Blood dropped out in the next few seconds as it slowly fell to the ground, as Jojo wipes his sword, with a cloth found on the ground, cleaning off from the blood that would stain upon it.

Jojo turned, slowly towards Xi, speaking in a soft tone, "I'm sorry."

Xi walks towards him, hugs him tightly.

"There's nothing you need to be sorry about. At all, if you had to be sorry, I would've never truly fallen in love with you, at this very moment."

Jojo looked entrance noticing a man holding an umbrella smiling, whispered, "I came back for Hikaru, now he will be dead by my hand at last."

Jojo ran towards him in the rain, "Ashi, you will never ruin their happy ending again, I will use this sword and kill you with every bone of my body, just to make sure they're happy, so be it if I'm dead!"

"Ha! That's if you can find me in enough time!" Ashi shouted.

His evil grin will forever make Jojo's blood boil!

Ashi walked away, while Jojo stood in the rain, in anger, cruising under his breath.

Xi walks towards him, "Your going to get sick in the rain if you strut there any longer."

"Be condemned if I don't eradicate him first." Jojo muttered softly.