I died but as something new!

In this world, I'm apparently a vampire in this mafia world, great!

The Problem is..well will talk about this later, now off to start this..1,2,3!

Jojo has woken up, "Zenchi, We're going to be late for school!"

In this world his name is Zenchi, But will call him Chi for short!

"Hmm! I don't know where I am? Or who you are?" Chi asked.

"Chi? Oh no! You bumped your head too much yesterday. My name is Ice or Izawaya, you call me Izzy." Izzy replied.

"Then, What should I do? Also, I'm hungry, I bet you there something in the fridge, never mind that let's get to school." Chi muttered.

Izzy dragged Chi out the door, as Chi grabbed an umbrella in the last moment.

"It's hot Izzy," Chi said.

"Hot? It's cold, Maybe cause the sun only shines on you really brightly." Izzy replies.

Izzy walked Chi into there classroom, "Everybody, Chi lost his memories! Be nice and behave got it?" Izzy asked.

"Hai!" They shouted.

[Means yes, for this case]

"My name is..Zenchi, but call me Chi." Chi said "Um...I like sweets and hate tea, ah...Oh, and pretty girls scare me!"

They all sweatdropped at the last sentence, as a pretty girl comes in, "Izzy, help me I'm scared!"

Chi hides behind Izzy, even though he's slightly taller almost ish.

"Chi it's okay, It's just Qiang Yen." Izzy spoke.

"Izzy can I have some of your blood I'm hungry?" Chi asked.

Izzy sighed, [I don't know what's gotten into him but I'll let it happen, As long as he's safe, that's good]

Chi bit his finger a little, "Your blood tastes like candy, too sweet."

Chi took a piece of cloth wrapped around his finger, "Don't want anyone else on ya."

"Ah! So Cute!" Izzy shouted.