I’m dead, what a surprise!

I'm dead, who's surprised, not me! I figured this was gonna happen again, but man it couldn't get any worse than this...

I had woken up, looking around, noticing a young man standing near me.

"Qiang, I'm glad you are awake, It seems that someone had tried to kill me, but they almost killed you in the process." A young soft one voice spoke.

I nodded my head, knowing I can't speak, for now.

"You can't speak? I presumed so, seems your vocal cords have been heavily injured." He replied, "Well, I will just have to have it dealt within a matter of time."

I smiled slightly, "Your smiling, for what reason?"

I blink, "I see, You won't even bother to tell me, this is..quite puzzling."

I stood up and walks towards him, and fix's his bow tie, "So you noticed it's crooked, most servants leave it alone."

I nodded, looks toward the window, "You see someone out there? Oh, it's my fiancée, out there, Are you sad? That you have another person to serve?"

"No." I spoke, "Not at all."

My voice was slightly raspy, while he was elegant, and slightly smooth when spoken.

"I see, You shouldn't talk much, let your voice heal." He replied, "There she's at the door I presume of your room?"

I nodded again, "Come in."

Footsteps could be heard, a young lady had come in.

"Klaus, Is that the servant who saved you? Can he even talk anymore? He never did, to begin with." Her voice was a soft and slightly high pitched tone.

I blink again, not even noticing she's here.

"Qiang, You're supposed to at least greet her." He scolded.

I bowed, slightly, smiling as she smirks with a cocky grin.

"You've gotten bolder, quite. You should get punished for it." She spoke.

She walked up to me and tried to slap me, I grabbed her hand, stopping her midway.

"You've got some balls, considering you wanted to kill him, for your lover needs," I replied.

He watched in awe, "On the desk, all the information I've collected over the years."

Qiang's voice was raspy and rather scratchy.

"Qiang, How did you get all of this?" He questioned.

"Secret," Qiang replied with a smile.

"Rento! Why would you believe this stupid servant over me? Don't you love me enough to trust me? I don't even know if I even love you anymore for believing such lies!" She shouted.

"Ella, I never loved you, and certainly don't right now," Rento spoke.

Rento turned and looked at Ella dead in the eyes, "You see this, how could you tell me, that's not you and even worse Richard! My worst enemy! How daring of you!"

[Mind you in this world, photoshopping hasn't been invented yet!]

Qiang looked at Ella, slightly smirked, "You cunning man! How dare you try and ruin the love I have!"

Qiang blinked, "How could he have done anything? Your the one who had a cheat with another man! I'm outraged! Call the wedding off!"

"Yes," Qiang replied.

Qiang grabbed a booklet, "Sign here."

Ella was furious, this tiny man, was gonna get her loss of all that money!

[Clarify, Qiang is 6'2, and Ella is 4'3. Big difference!]

Qiang blinked, "The mans taller than ya, how can you compare, he's like two feet taller than ya, but as you clearly see, he can't talk much, so don't provoke him, sign the paper, so delay time!"

"I'm delaying your time? Fine then! Better than marrying you! I'll find another man! I don't need you!" Ella shouted in anger.

Ella signed the papers and left, in a loud slam to the door.

Qiang, on the other hand, was standing there, with nothing to say.

"Qiang? Did you think falling for her was a bad idea?" Rento asked.

"I don't have any idea." Qiang replied "Too young to get married."

Qiang didn't know what was wrong with women in every world he came in, maybe there's some sort of cycle.

"Qiang, Prince Eugene, will be coming here this afternoon, don't dress like this prepare." Rento scolded.

[Hah! You suckers thought Rento was the male lead! Hell no! He's the second!]

Qiang nodded softly, Rento left and Qiang changed his clothes.

A doorbell rang, Qiang ran to open the door, "Qiang, your hair."

Qiang slicked his hair back, "Fixed."

Eugene was smiling, "You've changed."

Qiang sighed softly, "He hasn't, You've never paid attention, also he's not supposed to speak."

Qiang rolled his eyes, "Oh, I see, then you should behave just for me!"

Qiang blinked, "Your highness, I highly doubt that Qiang can do anything he was once capable, as he once—"

Qiang walked over to the window and carried Ella, threw her to the ground, "Speak, or die."

"I..Your highness! This man f-framed me! He set me up! Now I can't even marry the man I love!" Ella shouted in anger "What's even worse is the dare thinks I cheated on him, with Richard! How could I dare! As a lady of my house, I would never bring shame to my family, not even to my parents!"

Qiang rolled his eyes, [Never my ass, as I've seen you're an Illegitimate child that they don't particularly care about, but that would be a big scandal that would never be Imagined.]

"Qiang, Your rolling your eyes, for what for May I ask?" Eugene questions.

Qiang blinked, turning the other way, [Like Id tell you, Your highness!]

"Qiang your thinking something but not telling me, withholding information could get you big trouble." Eugene responses.

Qiang sighed, [Hell no! I mean like I need you to know]

Eugene pulled Qiang up towards him in a whisper he spoke softly, "Tell me, You can't lie, even if you can't talk, you can write it down."

Qiang blinked, "Bastard child, her."

Qiang throat hurt slightly more as he talked for that moment, Eugene looked at him. Put his hand on his forehead, in another whisper spoke, "Your warm, what isn't more are you not telling? And how much?"

Qiang blinked, his eyes slightly closed, "Your highness! I have been wronged! Tell me what shall I do! I've been wronged by such a mere servant! How could I feel alright with this grievance holding over my head as I feel my heart has burst with such a terrible thing as fallen before me!"

Ella had shouted despite her elegant and that she's broke The lady rules that she had so learned and attended years of her being in her household despite her mother who is a below class and her father she had yearned to become a rich Noble. Butts is the force she had no help so she resorted to such cruel and cunning methods, as a last resort to please her grievance in front of his highness despite the fact that Qiang someone that his highness had known for quite a while.

"May I say if I had a witness when this occurred, shall you leave finally? With neither regret, not a grievance? And if so what evidence do you have he has given you this grievance in your so-called heart? How many you plead with the evidence the street in front of you that this man has collected over the years that you have been people to the man you still claim love? I dare say if you lied to me I should have your head on a pike no Mercy." Eugene responded The cold harsh bitter tone.

Ella was quaking in fear, she dared try to lie to a prince, on the possibility of him knowing her given status, one she was born with.

"I have gotten this evidence and I so say you have lied to my face, there are many witness statements that have been written here on a precise date when it happened. Also, your status before a possible marriage disgusts me. I should have your head on a pike, but's that too cruel, have her heavily punished." Eugene said.

Ella was dragged away by the guards, "Qiang, You May be at ease."

Qiang blinked, [Dummy, I was fine, to begin with, your the one who's too concerned]

Qiang nodes walk down the hall and come back with tea, [Just the way you like it, so bitter]

[To clarify, this is his thoughts!]-Bracts!

"Rento, there's been a concern, or more like a scandal, it seems a dear general has had an affair with A high ranked duchess of another capital in a neighboring empire." Eugene said, "I'd like you to investigated at once by the order of his Majesty."

"Of course, Your Highness, I'm also quite sorry about Ella, she has caused a big commotion," Rento replied.

Qiang stood there, not caring of what was happening.

"Qiang, You've better behave yourself better tomorrow for his highness while I'm gone." Rento says.

Qiang nods, [Sure, boss whatever you say]


Qiang lays in bed, "Big brother Qiang you have to take the medicine even though you've just recovered, you've managed to get sick again."

Qiang lays there and said, "Get out, now."

They all left as he sleeps for the night.

Next day...

"Your highness, Big brother Qiang refuses to take his medicine, he's been lying in bed since last night." A junior servant says.

"I see, bring me to his room." Eugene replied.

Eugene followed the servant down to the room, Eugene walks in to see Qiang sleeping, heavily breathing.

"Qiang, Your supposed to take your medicine." Eugene spoke aloud.

Qiang slightly opened his eyes, he was tried and didn't want to do anything but rest, that medicine had poison, and he didn't feel like dealing with that.

Qiang turns his body slowly, and closed his eyes again, to sleep.

"I know you hate the bitterness, but you can't be that stubborn, You've not taken at all since you've woken up, this is not good for your heath." Eugene spoke.

"Water." Qiang spoke softly.

"Get him water, now." Eugene spoke.

A younger servant came in with water, Eugene had carefully placed Qiang sitting up, as he took sips of water.

Eugene felts his forehead, it was burning, "Let me rest, don't need medicine, bad for body."

Qiang didn't speak again, but rather coughed a couple of times.

"Qiang, Your sick, you can't go on like this." Eugene replied "You'll be miserable from now on."

Qiang sighed softly, "Your highness the medicine that was given was poisoned, we have a better one made, by your personal physician." A servant spoke.

Qiang took the bowl and drinked it.