God dammit this guy is everywhere I go!

Months later

You could look really closely and see Qiang wearing some normal clothes with his gun on his side, as a bunch of dead bodies lying dead on the ground, blood leaked all over.

"Good grief, Ara ara, I don't want to deal with this mess," Qiang muttered.

In the distance there's Eugene, a prince no even better the Crown prince sent on a mission to capture Qiang, for the killing of his brother, who was evil and was hired to, haven't seen him in months.

"Qiang? What are you doing? Better yet why are there a bunch of dead bodies? How are you still—"

"Good grief, Shut up, that doesn't matter, why are you here is the good question?" Qiang questioned in response.

Eugene sighed, "I was supposed to bring you back to have your trial, but I don't want to, it's such a pain in the ass."

"Then don't simple as that, I'll have my come

With, I'll claim your my hostage ya know." Qiang replied, "It's that simple really, Good grief you've gotten stupid in these days you haven't seen me."

Eugene sighed, "Perhaps you can tell where we are going?"

" Kapri, my dear hostage, the city of crime and Full of corrupt cops, this is the place people can make millions and also lose it in a day." Qiang replied, "I have a client, there who needs my assistance now as my hostage behave and don't scream or get killed that would be my advice, also here take this extra gun I have on me."

Meanwhile in the empire...

"Your majesty, The crown prince has been held, hostage! By Qiang, the escaped servant from months ago!" Shouted a servant.

"Get him now!" Shouted the old man.

Back with them!

Gunshots could be heard! Bang bang bang bang! Rounds after rounds.

Qiang sighed softly, [So many after one guy. So annoying rather good grief!]

Bang! "Jeez! Qiang does your gun have to be so loud?"

"Ah, shut up, You can't even shoot right! So don't come crying to me!" Qiang shouted in response.

"Give us back the crown prince! We may spare your life afterward!" The soldiers shouted.

"Ah, Goof grief! Shut your Pie-holes." Gunshots one after another!

"So you're the man who managed to capture my little brother aye? You don't look so tuff." A high pitched voice spoke.

"Who in the hell are you? Never mind, you don't get anything, to begin with, I'm out, come on Eugene, I got the next town job." Qiang replied, "Move it or lose it, my way or the high way!"

The young girl stood in front of him, "Hey! This is not how you treat a young lady!"

"Move princess or die by this here gun! I don't care if your a lady, out here ladies can protect themselves and don't need servants, now move or I'll shoot!" Qiang shouted in response.

Qiang push's her down to the ground, "I will make you pay!"

Qiang aims his gun at her head, "Try me pipsqueak, I don't care if your a kid or not, I will have no mercy!"

"Qiang, Stop, she's my sister," Eugene replied.

"Yeah, and Shes here to bring you back to that hell hole, I won't let her, she can die for all I care." Qiang said "As you care for her? Do you?"

"No, I just don't want those clothes ruined your wearing, I spent a lot of money getting those for your birthday, and I didn't want them to get—"

"Alright, only cause you said something, what a nice brother you have here," Qiang replied "To sweet if you ask me, never mind then, I'll be on my way." Qiang lowered his gun and walked away.

"How come you ran away all those months ago? I mean being a servant is better then being a criminal all your life?" She asked.

"You don't get your freedom, I like that, freedom." Qiang replied "Duh, snob ass flat tits chick!"

From Eugene point of view you could see Qiang flipping his big sister off with both fingers, in the distance as he smirks slightly.