Fuck this world into a million pieces

Qiang kept walking for miles and miles on end. Not dealing with all her shouting in the background like a little winey spoiled brat.

"Shut the fuck up! Okay! I can't handle your ass, complaining about the shit most people in this world can't even have if there lucky!" Qiang shouted "And here you are complained about walking, most people don't even live in decent houses! Some of them can't even walk for fuck's sake! So If you want to be an asshole, then go fucking somewhere, where people care about your fucking problems!"

Qiang walks away, in anger. Pissed beyond anything.

"Qiang! Wait up, I can't run that fast!" Eugene shouts.

Qiang sighed softly, [I feel sorry for him, sometimes having to deal with bitches like her, I wonder what her mothers like?]

Eugene sighed, "Qiang your gonna make her angrier for what you did. Do you ever regret what you said?"

"Why would I? Like I say every day in my head 'Fuck this world! Blow into a million pieces!' This is the reality of it all, if your spoilt brat of a sister, can't handle, this shit that I'm telling she's clearly living in a dream world, I'm even more fucking mad, that you a kind-hearted soul, is related to that bitch! I mean god sakes I love you to pieces and I would kill anyone for you! But god damn you have the worse luck in the world!" Qiang explained.

Eugene blushes, "What do you mean to love me? I-I thought you hated me? I thought you wanted to kill me! I didn't know, I would have told you for a long time I love you! I've been since the day I met you! You're the fucking world!"

"Eugene, stop swearing! I love you, but it's not okay." Qiang replied "I love you, let's go before these guys try killing me."