
Earth, Dama Republic, Glory City.

02:12 AM

On the outskirts of the city, in a big building in a remote area.

It was a big mall that thousands of people visit every day, but at this moment the building was tremoring and about to collapse.

Bang! Bang! Smack! Bump!

"w-what is happening??!"

A worker was trembling and did not know what to do; should he save the people in the kitchen or scape with his life?

He was conflicted and hesitant.

"get out of here!! the building is burning and will collapse soon!!"

another worker was quicker and had his priorities ordered.

"but what about the people in the kitchen?! they will die!!"

"who cares! Fuck you too! am out of here!"

'i should live to take care of my family! fuck everyone else!'

many places in the building had the same conversation or a similar one, most of these conversations have one conclusion: save yourself first!


2 hours later

The building became rubble; firefighters were on the scenes and just finished putting off the fire; In addition to the police and the people who came to help.


"reporting! till now, the rescue team intel says 15 died, 142 injured between heavy and medium and 379 light injuries mostly workers."

"mm, what a mess! did you uncover the reason for the incident?"

"The team is working on it now, till now we are 70% sure that the reason came from beneath the building and not the building itself."

"in the infrastructure?"

"No, Chief, it is beneath that, there are many houses damaged due to the tremor in a radius of 5 km of the building, the technicians say the tremor came from deep within the ground, 150-200 meters beneath the building."

"Are you sure about that?!"

"like I said captain, 70% sure but the team is working more on the-"

before the reporter policeman finishes his words, speeding car sounds were heard.

Police Chief: "didn't I say to lock the area and nobody allowed here??!"

A policeman came running

policeman: "Chief! we tried, they insisted on seeing you, and eventually, they broke the dam!"

The chief was alarmed because upon paying attention, the cars are armed and were anti-missiles.

These are not ordinary cars, he was hoping its a good thing and not more troubles.

The armed cars came to a halt in front of the chief, many male and female officers in black suits stepped out of the cars.

the main person was a woman, seems to be in her 30s.

the woman: "Police Chief Sagar?"

"yes it is me, may I know who are you and why did you breach a locked zone under investigation?" said Sagar while showing his rank badge.

"We are sorry for that, and it is not a breach. My name is Gena; we will take over from here. Please tell your men to retreat. this area will be under the Kagar investigation."

said Gena while showing a badge that had a cat carved on golden metal.

Chief Sagar's eyes widened in shock after hearing the word `Kagar`; he knew that this was something out of his league, and he should do what he was told to do.

without any hesitation after seeing the badge:

"Malkolm, tell everyone to retreat from this site in 5 minutes. another division will take over this place."

Malkolm: "Yes, sir."

one of the black-suited men came to Gena, "Mam, I just received the police report, the explosion originated from underground!"

"We already know that the lab is mostly gone!!" Gena said, but no sadness appeared on her face, just a professional look of indifference.

"lock the area of 10km radius, don't let anyone get out or in the area. Do your task and finish everything in six hours before anyone becomes suspicious. Inform the other team to keep looking for the two samples; they should be captured alive or dead.

Per the latest report, the samples were heavily injured; they should not be more than 10km away from here, even with their abilities.

This incident was not caused by the samples surely, the rebels are on the move, if you see any suspicious subjects In the locked area, then capture, if can't, kill.

Report whenever you find something." - Gena expressionlessly

"Yes, mam." - the black-suited reporter

"aah, a lot of troubles, if this lab becomes known to the masses, a big civil war will eat the whole world.

But we must catch these samples, one of them is the result of years of the government's hard work, and the only successful outcome" - Gena, for the first time, showing a troubled face.


30km away

in a cold alley of Glory City.

A young man, of 15 years of age or so, was panting like there was never enough oxygen, sitting on the floor, behind a waste container. His clothes were mostly burned, tattered, and hardly covering his midsection body.

His hair is black, messy, and burned in many places.

Anyone can tell after the first glance that this boy is a beggar.

he was hugging a little girl, 13 years of age, with burned and tattered clothes, her golden hair is messy and also burned in many places.

The boy was crying; the tears were overflowing and covered his.

"s-s-sister, p-please hang on!! do you see that?! these are the stars we ah we saw in our dreams! Ah, we are finally out!

Hang on, sis! We will reach the hospital you will be ok!! Please!! j-just a-a couple of minutes more!"

the young boy saying while panting and crying.

"b-brother, you know that its the end for me, this is where i-" - the girl was gently saying as she was also crying, but she was interrupted by the young man

"NO! NO ITS NOT! p-please just hang on; we will get help! You will live!! We will go to the park they talked about!! w-we will go to the school and play and do everything you want!! just please don't give up!!"

"brother, please, let me finish, I might not finish if you keep screaming like this" - the girl spoke while crying

"NO! NO! NO! just rest, I will get help now!!" - the young boy spoke stubbornly, but then he was smacked on the head by the girl

"Listen, you idiot, don't waste my breath, I hardly can speak!" - the girl was speaking in feigned anger, but then she smiled sadly and gently, and that smile was the only light in this cold and dark alley.

"haha, cough! Brother, I dreamed of living together in the city to go and eat this circular meat sandwich, to drink the best drink and wear the dresses I dreamed about. I wanted to live with you, I wanted you to see me grow to be a beautiful girl, I wanted to be the happy family we wanted to be. Cough!! But the world is not fair! You must live, brother! Be happy for me, I am going to heaven, I will wait for you there!!"

the young girl said as the tears were flowing down

the young boy was tearing nonstop, and his heart was aching with each word he heard, but he knows that his sister is on the verge of life, she is saying good buy.

"Jay, cough! Listen to me very good, before you meat me on the other side, you should do something for me!! The people who made us lab rats, who made our life miserable,

those animals who are toying with people's lives and dreams like its nothing! KILL THEM ALL! DON'T EVER BE LENIENT TO THEM, THEY SHOULD DIE SLOWLY and MISERABLY!!!"

the girl said with an unwavering determination that could cut iron. her eyes was like a glowing torch, the way she told them was like commanding the underworld ghosts to cut everything.

"Sister, don't worry!!! they will DIE!! I will make this city flow with there blood!!" - With a ferocious face, the young man vowed to his sister, nobody knew that this vow could bring the biggest calamity the earth could ever face from this tattered-clothed-young man.

"mmm I know you can do it, and don't forget, there is nothing like a human tool; we have brains so we could think, to distinguish between right and wrong.

Don't ever be lenient to criminals who do horrifying things just because they have to; these people are the worst!! because they allow themselves to be part of the evil to live happily while the cost is the poor and weak people who can't defend themselves. If everyone does harm just because they have to then all crimes in this world are justified! ah ah ah I talked too much, my big and handsome brother, let me rest for a bit."

after saying this, the girl closed her eyes, resting in peace with a glowing smile, resting in the hug of her brother.

this smile and hug were the complete contrast to the environment, but the tears unbearable sadness in the eyes of the young man was the element that broke this contrast, this was the most heartbreaking moment the young man would ever face in his life.


"shut up you idiot, am not dead yet, I don't know if I can die ..."

the girl smacked him again with a smile

"Just please let us hug a bit more, this is very worm. brother, you are the kindest and gentlest in this world, please don't let the hatred take that, because that will not be you."

The girl said with a brighter smile while snuggling her head in her brother's hug!

But her tears stopped and tried to sense this warmth for the last time in her life.

"don't worry, I will be the same Jay, you know! My silly little sister, ... I love you, .... please wait for me there, I will finish things here and come to you!"

the young man, named 'Jay'; also tried to stop his tears, hugged her tighter like trying to prevent her soul from leaving.

After a while, there was only one breathing sound in the dark alley, with the sound of crying and wailing.

Jay lost his only relative in this world, and the only light that made his life bearable.

and the world was oblivious of the tragedy in the alley, this tragedy that will be the beginning of the most enormous change in human history.