He killed them all?

Jay returned to his house at 03:20 in the morning

that night was a night full of events.

The most bizarre thing was the goddess.

Jay was thinking about the goddess all of the time. He did not let his image in front of the gang be troubled by thinking about the goddess. But inside, he was stifled, confused, and troubled.

he was sure that what he has experienced was real.

Not because he saw it, no, because even that could be a false vision. And that also goes for hearing sounds. He thought that it was real because he could feel the stifling energy coming from the place the goddess was standing in. The goddess did not emit anything, but the site was full of weird energy which he could feel for the first time. The energy was different than the energy of this world. It was oppressing, vibrant, and full of strength.

He was trained to feel and perceive energy from the time he was an infant. Energy to him is like air. Energy could indeed be very abstract sometimes and not easy to understand or even to feel. But that was understandable, as jay was aware, that this world's energy is deteriorating.

The first time he succeeded in feeling the energy in the world was when he was seven years old. At that time, he was able to peek at the essence of the world. And that changed his view of the world greater than anything else.

He was unique from infancy because his body can feel the energy of this world, in contrast to most if not all people in this world. The organizations researching this area know that there are special people who can sense the world's energy, but that does not mean that they will sense it in their lifetime.

It's unknown if any record exists pointing to a successful case of the world's energy being perceived.

When Jay felt that energy, his body was happy beyond belief. It's like the first time he touched the world's essence.

He felt thrilled, he felt a door was about to open for him, but then he did not make it. Now, he felt like feeling that again. Unfortunately, the goddess has gone.

'I should go to that place more often. I want to know what is that key she talked about. If she is indeed from another world or a real goddess, then It's too much fucked up to think about. '

Jay thought, but he was trying to stop his urge to return to the ghostly building. She was gone anyway. He could tell the space there was a little bit distorted from the foreign energy he felt.

Hay went up the stairs.


He opened the door of his room.


The rusty door opened to show a dark room.

When Jay was about to enter the room, he noticed a paper was pushed from under the door.

He bent down and pick it up.

It was folded, and on the front side, it showed a drawing of a young man of black hair, with a superman cab on his back. The young man resembled Jay.

Jay was surprised. He unfolded the paper.

'Brother, my mom told me that I have to thank you because you were the one to find me. Thank you, Brother! I love you! I draw a picture of you with a superman cab. It's cool, right? haha - Little Angel.'

This was the content.

Jay smiled a gentle smile.

'Aaah, superman?'

The smile on his face turned to a sad and melancholic smile.

Jay did not even change his clothes. He just threw himself on the bed.

And he was lost in his dreams.


"Hahaha do you brother? Superman won over Lex Luthor!"

"hahaha yes! he is awesome!"

"you know? wouldn't it be awesome if he is real and came to take us from here?"


"But I know you will be a stronger, brother! you will get us out of here!"

"Yes!! I will!"


While Jay is lost in dreams, a line of tears was flowing on his face, his tears moistened the bed.


The next morning, Jay was still sleeping soundly in the bed.

his eyelashes trembled, and he was taken out of his sleep by the light coming from the window.

He supported himself to sit while opening half an eye to look around.

He could see the messy rented room of his.

He looked at the watch on his left, it was 9:53 AM.

He yawned deeply, sat up, and went to the bathroom.

He got out of the bathroom and sat on the chair of his little office.

The office was an old table he got for 30$ and a desktop computer on it.

To opened the computer and surfed the internet for a while to read the news.

Just when he was about to turn it off, his phone ranged.

He picked up the phone to see the caller's name, but it was an unknown number.

'I don't think White Stars are idiots to use the public telecommunication network, so I think it should be someone else.'


"Good morning, Mr. Jay."

"Oh, Mr. Craig! Good morning."

"hahaha, its good to hear your voice! it's good that you are ok."

"Yes, I was lucky enough to return alive. and with your help, I was luckier than ever. haha."

"haha, so you know? Sorry about that. I was just worried about you. the lady chose you, so I don't want you to die like that."

"Don't worry, I am very grateful for your help. So thank you very much, and please relay my gratitude to the lady."

"This is the least I can do. if you need any help, please don't hesitate to call me, my friend."

"Thanks a lot, uncle. Oh right! About the gun; it's a great revolver. I had fun with it yesterday. how can I return it to you?"

"Are you afraid of cops now?"

"haha, not really, it's your beloved friend, so I should return it."

"Keep it, let this be a sign of great cooperation in the future."

"Are you sure about that?"

"Aaah, this friend helped me with a lot of life-threatening situations. I can see your worth, so I hope it will be useful for you."

"I am sure it will be. Thank you, uncle."

"Ok, I got to go now. take care."


Jay hanged up. He was playing with the new toy he got. Boys love guns. Jay is of no exception.

He was happily playing and cleaning it.


Miles away, Uncle Craig just hanged up with Jay and called one of the guards he sent to help Jay.

"What happened? why didn't you answer your phones until now?!"

Craig asked with angered tone.

"We are very sorry, captain. But our phones died at night. we helped a young woman to the hospital as per Mr. Jay's request."

"mmm. Buy a better phone, lads. Anyway. when are you returning?"

"Actually we are back, captain."

"Good, come to my office."

"Yes, sir."

Then the guards went to his office directly.

They knocked on the door and asked for permission to enter.

"Come in."

the guards entered the room and saluted.


Uncle Craig noded.

after a minute of silence, he asked.

"Tell me everything. Is he capable? How did he solve the situation? And to what degree did you help him? I also want to know his character, is it bloody or merciful? spill out everything you know."


The guards had a distressed look on their faces. They knew this moment would come at the end.

"C-Captain, I think you would love to see this."

The guards knew this captain like documentation over words.

And sure enough. When Craig watched the movie, he was blown away.

It did not show the details of how they were killed as they were out of the building, but the general events were clear.

And with Craig's analytical skills, he can infer most of the rest.


Craig was listening to their story, but the more he heard, the more he was shocked. Is that a horror movie?

He knew that these two guards would never lie to mislead him. They were brothers in arms who fought together and had their share of life together.

but the story they told is not reasonable at all!

How can a 16 years old young man kill 7 criminal people and toy with them?

Forget about the skills, even the environment itself is hard to keep one's cool in.

And he actually killed them all?

And toyed with them?

That is the most bizarre thing he has ever heard of!

'This young man holds secrets. And a big one it seems. His mental fortitude alone is not something to be looked upon. and to pull a one-shot-one-kill night is pretty much crazier than his life.'

he sighed

'Aaah, I think the lady did chose a great man for the job. I hope he can help with the situation now. sorry kid, I don't want you to be pulled in this, but this is the lady's decision.'