Let's make waffles

Jay walked for a while before he stopped.

RongRong's words still ringing in his ears.

"The Mayer, AGAIN!"

Jay gnashed on his teeth in anger.

He did not want this to happen to his friend.

Using power to oppress the innocent is the most hateful thing for him.

Jay picked up the secret device Charles gave him.

It was like a typical old phone. But it uses a different network and a separate signal frequency than any public device or even a military one.

With money, you can do anything, let alone customize a communication device.

Jay dialed the only number on the phone, after two beep sounds, Charles' voice came to ears.


Charles was as polite as a cat.

After the last night, and seeing Jay's abilities, he is sure that this new boss of him going to change the entire city at least.

"Are you still in the city?"

"Yes, Master."

"Tonight midnight, I want Mayer to be in the ghost factory. Bring his son with him. how is his wife?"

"How? what do you mean, master?"

Charles asked in confusion. If he did not know anything about Jay, he would understand that Jay wanted Mayer's wife for himself.

"I mean, is she a good woman? or is she as shady as her husband?"

"well, honestly master, I don't know. but I can get that information easily."

"Good, if she is scum, then bring her with her husband. You know what? Bring the whole family. I want to see them all."

"Ma-Master, do you want to kill them all?"

"Am I a psycho? and why are you even worrying over that?"

"No, Master! If it's your command, then I will do anything. it's just that we wanted to enter and leave the outskirts silently."

"Are you scared of the blue dragons? If they come, then I will play with them happily. Do as I told you. You can be as silent as you want."

"Yes, Master!"


Jay hanged the phone.

"Tonight I must fix RongRong's issue. But for now, I need to go to meet that White Star."

it is 11:21

There is time until the meeting.

But he wanted to walk a little; it helps him release his pent up anger.

Jay put his hand on his left chest and thought:

'Those pills' effects are getting smaller with each use. at this rate, in a few months, a year at most, the effect will be zero.'

Jay was strolling in the streets.

He watched people walking, children playing football and the hide and seek.

Couples were walking holding hands.

Small booths of food on the sidewalk selling grilled meat and desserts can be found everywhere.

An elderly woman was selling waffles in a small booth.

She noticed Jay looking over:

"young Jay, do you want waffles? it's so delicious today."

Jay smiled

"Granny Stella, your waffles are always delicious. Can I take one?"

Jay walked over to the booth.

"Of course, young man. it will be ready in a minute."

Granny Stella said with a happy laugh.

She asked while preparing the ingredients to make Jay's waffle:

"It seems you don't have work today."

"I don't. I quit all jobs; I will be taking a better one in tow days."

"Good luck, young man. You are working hard all day. you should take a rest from time to time."

"Well, I can work now. it's not like I have anything else to do anyway."

"Aaaah, you should have gone to school. Young people like you should learn and aspire to be an engineer or a doctor in the future. At that time, you will be able to work in the middle ring of Glory City. They pay them handsomely there."

"Hahaha, I can build things like an engineer; I don't have to pay all that money just to get a certification."

"Aaah, you always joke about that. I am telling you because it's hard to see the young like you waste their time with work and no future. look at me now, all I can do is work in the day and rest the night."

"Its better than not having a job at all, isn't it?"

"Of course. It's tough to find jobs these days. I think I am blessed."

"Haha, of course, you are."

"And here is your waffles. The best waffles for today."

Granny Stella gave him a small box emitting a sweet aroma.

"Oooh, what a nice smell! thanks, granny!"

Jay inhaled deeply to take as much smell as he can.

"Hahaha, eat to your heart content."

Granny laughed at this sight. She liked that hard-working kid.

Jay started eating that waffles slowly to feel its sweetness.

"Granny Stella, it's truly very delicious. Did you try to open a shop? I am sure people will buy this."

"Of course I thought of that. But opening a shop needs money, lots of money."

"How much?"

"Well, for a starter, it needs around 7 thousand dollars."

"mmm, then how about this, I am looking for an opportunity to invest, and I think your waffles will be very successful. I will provide 10,000$, and I will take half of the shares. what do you think?"

"Ar-Are you serious, young Jay? Please don't play jokes on this granny."

Stella was shocked at first, but then she took it as a joke.

Where would this young man bring ten thousand dollars from?

"Haha, no, I am not joking. I will do as I say. of course I will not be able to work with you, but you will hire two beautiful ladies to help you. all you have to do is to manage things around."

"... Young Jay, are you serious?"

Stella still could not believe it. She was speechless and blanking.


Jay, this time, did not laugh. He answered seriously.

He knew that this is not a small matter to Stella. She had her dream of opening this shop.

"... but .... I wanted to open a shop so bad. But I can't take this responsibility. It's a lot of money. I can't take the risk."

Stella was very eager to open a shop. But very frightened upon thinking of the possibility of losing all that money.

"A lot of money? So what? I have faith in you and your waffles. That's why I proposed this. And who can say that he is very sure of an investment? all we can do is to be original and do our best."

Jay reassured her with a smile.

Then he continued eating his waffles.

"Well, ... , then I will do that. thank you very much, young Jay. "

"Great. do you have a bank account?"

"No, we did not need that in the first place."

Stella shook her head.

"Then please open one tomorrow and send me its details. You will need it from now on. I will transfer the money tomorrow to your account. then you will be able to do what you want."

"Aaah, I don't know how to thank you, young Jay."

"Why? as I said, this is business. I will count on you regarding that, Granny. Do you have someone in mind that can help you manage the shop?"

"mmmm, my nephew is a good girl who is skilled in marketing and all. She is working in a cafe in the White Rabit region. I am thinking of talking to her."

"Great. Then I will leave all that to you. Now, excuse me, Granny, I have an appointment to meet."

"Oh? a date?"

Granny Stella asked with interest. What would an appointment a young man like him would have if not a date?

"a date? Haha, no, I don't have a girlfriend. I don't think I am the type of guy a girl would want in her life. Haha"

Jay was surprised at the conclusion.

"Don't say that, Jay. You are a fine young man. I don't remember a hardworking kid and a good-hearted young man like yourself."

"Really? oh! then I should reevaluate myself."

Jay touched his chin, pretending to be in deep thoughts.

"Haha, you rascal, you enjoy it this much, huh?"

Stella liked this young man, more and more.

"Haha, I will tell you later when I go on a date. Goodbye, Grandma."

Jay laughed and took his leave.

It's 12:10 PM

its time to move to his next target.

The White Stars.