A new Star

Jay and Carina paid their bills and got out of the coffee shop.

"Let's take my car."

"Oh? big sister has a car?"

"Of course! I told you to date me, but you refused. humph!"

Carina retorted.

"I refused?! when? you know that I love you, right?"

Jay was confused. 'when did I refuse? am not that idiotic.'

"Really? how much?"

Carina was amused.

"well, that depends on your car."

Jay answered with a straight face touching his chin with his hand.


Carina was speechless at his shamelessness.

Both reached the car.

The car is white, and it is a Ford.

Expensive car for the outskirts.

But it's not like no expensive cars on the outskirts.

"Oh. Wow! It seems we need to date, big sister. we can't let that love be forgotten."

"cut the nonsense and get in the car."

"What nonsense? It's love! LOVE! forget it, now I see why you never dated before."

Jay was disappointed in this woman.

Carina rolled her eyes at his words.

Jay and Carina stepped in the car, and Carina drove to the hotel.

a few minutes later, the car stopped in front of a hotel.

it was the Heaven Stairs Hotel.

This was a mighty name for just this hotel, which was ordinary in every aspect, but nobody thought that it's weird.

Because Mayer is the owner.

Carina stopped the car at the entrance, and with Jay, she stepped out of the car and gave the keys to the employee to park it.

Carina led the way to the hotel; her room was on the third floor.

They took the elevator.

Heaven Stairs hotel is a seven-floor tall building.

Which is large compared to hotels in the outer ring.

Jay followed behind Carina to her room.

When the residents watched as Jay followed Carina, most were jealous thinking of many scenarios.

They reached the room 304, Carina swiped the card, and the door opened.

Jay stepped into the room and saw the messy room of Carina.

Very messy.

"I am very sorry about the mess, but you know, I love to be comfortable over being organized."

"it's ok. just being in your room is very flattering."

"You have a glib tongue. you sure you never dated before?"

"Why would I lie? I won't get your sympathy with only that."

"anyway, please make yourself comfortable. I will just change my clothes."

"Change clothes? We are not here to play, right? or are we?"

"I would like our relationship to be friendly. I don't like to be very formal."

"Oh. And you do that by changing clothes. nice relationship."

"Do you think I am seducing you or something?"

"No. but I think you are taking me for a fool. right?"

"Why do you think so?"

"first of all, tell your three ghosts to get out of the bathroom. I don't like these games."

Jay said with a flat tone.

He knew about the hidden three from the start.

Jay can sense the signals in the air, and the source was the bathroom.

Jay detected three sources of these signals, so he guessed that three people were listening to their conversation.

Because he can read the signals, he knows that these are voice signals, not visual ones.

Carina was surprised again.

'Dealing with him will not be simple and easy at all.'

"You three, it's ok. we don't need to hide and seek."

"Actually, Jay, I was about to request for them to show themselves without you pointing it out."


"Because I want to make a deal. An honest agreement. I know everything about you. I can relate to your experience, so I know that we are on the same side. What you want is exactly what I desire. this is cooperation between two parties, not us using you."

Carina said with a serious face and honesty while the three people in the bathroom stepping out.

Those three are the same three Jay met at his residence last night.

"You can relate?"

Jay asked.

"I am a mutant."

Carina spoke with a straight face.

Jay was surprised.




Jay was speechless. This is a topic that no one related like to open.

To become a mutant is a hard and torturous experience.

"Please take a seat, Jay."

Carina smiled at him and said.

She can see that his expression softened.

Jay looked at where she is inviting him and sat on the chair.

Carina sat opposed to him.

"Jay, you should know that everything I said is true."

"You mean your dating life?"

".... not only that. I am Carina."

"Nice to meet you, Carina."


Carina is finding it hard to keep up with his responses.

"Carina, I actually need to ask something."

"mmm, go ahead."

"four months ago, when we escaped, someone helped us. was it the Stars?"

"That was me in particular. I was appointed to help you escape."


Jay brews shot up.

"Then you know that my sister died because no one helped us?"

Jay asked with a glint in his eyes.

"Yes, I know that."

Carina answered honestly.

"Why didn't you help her?! answer this question, because your life might depend on it."

Jay said with a cold face.

"You brat! captain saved your life and y-"

one of the three could not take it anymore and berate.

"Shut Up!"

Carina berated her subordinate with an angry face.

Jay looked at that subordinate with a chilling look.

"Speak another word, and you will die."

Jay was emitting a chilling invisible aura in the room.

That subordinate wanted to say something, but he shut his mouth when he saw the expression of Carin.

He did not know why Carina should be blamed for something like that.

Carina and the three subordinates felt the chilling aura in the air and got frightened,

"Jay, I apologize instead of my subordinate. He is hotheaded; that's why he talked back. but I will answer your question."

"Go ahead."

"Because I couldn't, the Kagars were chasing you two, so I was busy taking them out."

"Kagars? they were at the scene?"

"Yes. that's why I could not help you."


Jay sighed slowly and closed his eyes.

But the voice of Carina woke him up from his memory.

"Jay, I am a mutant. My brother and I were taken to a lab for experiments. We were 31 kids, I am the only survivor. "

Jay raised his head and looked at her in the eyes.

He could see her hatred and determination.

"I am sorry."

Jay felt that he went overboard, he tried to blame her.

"It's ok. I told you I can relate to your experience. that's why the headquarters appointed me to be the communication point with you."

"Tell me more about the White Stars."

"Sorry, I can't tell you anything for now. the headquarters is playing it as safe as possible."

"Can you call your supervisor?"

"... yes."

"Call him, please."

"But .."

"if you don't, then that is the end of the negotiation."


Carina was in a dilemma.

Jay waited for her to make her decision.

"Sigh. Ok, I will take the blame for this."

"No need to take the blame for anything. am not a thing for your organization to play with and to tell what they want and hide what they want."

Jay said in a hard voice.

Carina was confused.

How could the tender young man in the bar transform into a beast like the one opposite of her?

"Call the supervisor."

Carina commanded the three.

"Yes, Captain."

The woman of the three went to the bathroom and got a chest.

She opened the chest to reveal an old phone.

She dialed a number.

Toot. Toot. Toot.

"Captain Carina. How is the operation? I hope I can hear success from you."

a burly sound was coming from the speaker.

"Salute to the supervisor. We are in progress, and this is the final step."

"This? what do you mean?"

"She means that I have the questions you need to answer."

Before Carina can answer, Jay said with a flat voice.

"Disgraceful! Who is this?!"

"Supervisor, please hear me out. This is Mr. Jay. He is ready to cooperate if we answer his questions."

"Who is he to demand answers! it's his-"

The supervisor got pissed off, he was already angry, and Jay's questions put oil on the fire. But before he unleashes his rage, he was interrupted.

"Shut your trap!"

Jay got pissed off at the supervisor's attitude.

Silence fell over the place.

"Who is me? You send your people to get my cooperation, and now you say who I am? Good. Let me introduce myself. My name is Sample 01, the first successful superhuman on earth and the only one. This little brother here can end you and your organization and put you dead on your ground. This little brother here also knows you are speaking from the Blue Sky City of Dama Republic. So put your smugness away from my face. Go get someone who can talk to humans, not a bastard like you. You have ten minutes. or treat this operation of yours as a failure. The only reason I am giving you this chance is Carina, nothing else. Scram!"

Jay then hung up the phone. His words were not merciful at all.

His voice was cold and deep. No room for negotiations.

The people in the room were stunned like struck by lightning.

They have never seen anything like this before, a supervisor of the headquarters was berated like an idiot in front of them. They did not like the attitude of the supervisor, but he was the supervisor, goddammit!

Even Carina, she was looking at Jay like she was looking at a monster.

The first superhuman in the world?

The only one at that?

What is going on?

He is not a normal mutant?!

"Jay, what ... what-"

Carina could not contain her curiosity.

But she was cut off because Jay knew what he is said is very dangerous.

"You want to ask about superhumans?"

".. yes!"

"Don't! Knowing that is a big burden. Maybe when you get stronger in the future, you will have the ability to know."

Jay spoke in a low tone. Then he closed his eyes.


Carina was stunned. 'Even a mutant like me will be burdened?'

Six minutes passed.

Suddenly the phone rang.

"Hello, Mr. Jay. My name is Cetus. I am the Chief Supervisor of the Headquarters."

"Hello, Mr. Cetus. It's nice to speak to someone civilized like you."

"Mr.Jay, I would like to apologize on behalf of my subordinate. He is not like that normally, but recently a lot of events happened in the republic that he is drowned by them."

"I don't care what he is facing when he talks to me, he should be courteous as anyone else, am not his maid."

"That is completely true, Mr. Jay. Please ask your questions, I will be honest with you."

"mmm, good. First question. What is the main goal of this cooperation?"

"We are assembling a team. A team of super mutants. Carina is one of them."

"What for?"

"A new division in the White Stars to be the strongest and most powerful force to end the world government influence."

"How many members in that team?"

"We don't have a definite number, until now, it's 82. if you are in, then it will be 83."

"Why now? I have been out for 4 months."

"The world government is watching you most of the time. So we could not move as we please."

"Good, honest answers. Count me in. But you need to watch out, if I know that what you are saying is not the truth, then that will be a catastrophe for you."

"I swear on my loved ones, what I am saying is the truth."

"How is the pay?"


Everybody in the room and on the phone.