Who the hell are you?

"Isn't that Miss Lenora?"

"Really? It's really Miss Lenora."

"But wait, who is that with her?"

They just went in, and many already staring and asking all sort of questions

when they entered, they were noticed by people of course. And they were amazed at her beauty, but then, they noticed the guy beside her.

"Lenora! Here here."

Lenora looked at the source of the sound

"Hey Lenora! You look so beautiful"

"Thanks, Lara, you look very beautiful too."

"Oh? Lenora, introduce us to this handsome."

"Oh, Good evening everyone. My name is Jay, Lenora's fiancé"


Another Silence.

And one more layer of silence.


"Yup, ha-ha, I know I am not that great, but, well, Love creates wonders ha-ha"


"Isn't that true, Lenora?"

"Oh, stop talking about these things. You are embarrassing me!"

Lenora behaved as lovely as possible while cursing at him. 'He should not be that direct, right?'

"Wait, Lenora, you tell me about everything you go through! It's the first time I hear about this. This is not fair!"

"Well, Miss Lara, sometimes, people need to make the people they love surprised. I am sure Lenora wanted to make this a surprise for you; but as I can see, she did surprise everyone here."

Jay said with a smile as he looked at the gaping mouths of people shocked.

after hearing the fiancé stuff, people around them were surprised.

Who doesn't know Lenora Bridget?

She is a goal for many families. She is the open link that would connect two families together, and when the Bridget family is in the picture, then this connection is more important than anything in the powerful people eyes.

All of them saw Jay laughing and talking about love, some of them who is not interested were interested, just interested. But, others were shooting daggers at him from their eyes.

'This boy wants to destroy the balance of powers in the city and think of it as 'love makes wonders'? he is surely an idiot. Let's see how will he end up, tonight.'

That is pretty much all of the jealous were thinking.

"Ha-ha-, Lenora, your fiancé here knows what to say. But I am really interested to hear the full story. Come Come! let me hear it; you guys can talk about boys' stuff."

Lara dragged Lenora with her and left Jay with the group.

"Hahaha, girls sure know when to talk about these things. Hello, my name is Kamil. This is Rafiel, and this is Mat. We are all students in Glory Academy's Collage in our 4th"

One of the group of three, Kamil said with a laugh.

"Nice to meet you all"

Jay smiled and greeted them.

"I hope you are outstanding enough to bear the name of Miss Lenora's Fiancé. "

Rafiel talked for the first time, he did not even bother to greet Jay before, but the fire in his eyes is evident after knowing of the fiancé thing.

"ha-ha, don't worry. Lenora knows how outstanding I am."

Jay said to Rafiel with a smile. Jay is craving for something to happen tonight, if nothing breaks, nothing will advance, at least that is his point of view.

"But really Mr. Jay, your burden is big ha-ha. I think many people will have their eyes on you tonight. haha"

The blond Mat said.

"Well, if you have no strength, then you should not show people your precious things."

Jay said with confidence.

"So, do you say that you have the strength to face all of these people?"

Rafiel provoked again.

"Face them? Why? We are not uncivilized creatures, my friend. We can make choices, no? its good that her choice and my choice are the same, so we have been put together."

"Ha-ha, nice statement, Mr. Jay. But I did not hear anything on news channels. This is not a simple matter."

"We decided not to blow things up. We like it to be a very simple wedding."

"Ha-ha, that is hilarious, brother. You already blown things up tonight. If the press is allowed to come here, your face will cover the newspapers and internet by the end of this party."

Kamil spoke for the first time with a hearty laugh.

"Fame is not a bad thing I guess, ha-ha-ha."


"Lenora, what is happening? Don't even think about me buying this. Who is this Jay?"

"Sigh! Lara, please just play along for tonight. I will tell you about everything later."

"What do you mean? You know that Jacob is on fire to get a smile from you, what do you think he will do to this Jay guy?! You killing him."

"That's why I need to end everything tonight. This Jacob is pestering me and my family with his father's power. If my family did not degrade that much I would have ended this much earlier."

"Sigh! Lenora! Are you aware of what you are doing? You are playing with fire here. Its not just you. Its about your family also. His father is becoming more powerful with time."

"I know! But it's not like our family is nothing. Don't worry, and that Jay is not simple as you can think. Do you think your sister her would chose him for his dangerous job if he is simple?"

Lenora smiled confidently.

"Not simple? How? Tell me!"

"Well, I don't know."

Lenora said awkwardly.


"Anyway, let's return."

But before even walking for two steps, two men intercepted the due.

"Miss Lenora, long time no see. I have really missed the old days. I even requested my father to make this banquet to get a glimpse of you, ha-ha-ha."

"Mr. Jacob, I hope you stop this. We all know what you want. Because of the respected Mayor, we chose to attend this banquet."

Jacob, is the mayor's son.

A tall man of around 25 years old, tall with red hair. He is handsome and polite.

His smile was enchanting, a lot of girls are already entranced looking at him.

And Lenora was very annoyed seeing him.

"Miss Lenora, let me be very direct here. And I respect your grandfather, but you are hurting me too much. And for what? You know what I have, I will give you everything as long as you point at it."

"Sigh! Anyway, I am already engaged."

"Engaged?! Are you serious? Who is it?"

Without even noticing, his voice was getting louder and louder.

People around them who was paying attention in the first place, started to pay more attention to the topic.

"What? Lenora is engaged?"

"Wow! Do you believe it?"

"Do you think Lenora herself saying this herself is a small thing even if it's wrong?"

"mmm, you have a point there. Jacob will not take that laying low even if it's wrong."

"Of course, he won't."

People were discussing the new hot topic.

Everyone know that the Bridget family is not the same old family; it was one of the biggest family in the Dama republic, but now it's just another family on the brink of becoming nothing special.

"Lenora, what nonsense are you spouting? Did my grandfather teach you to lose face for our family like this?"

A new comer entered the stage, his looks resembled Lenora to a great degree.

A young of around 25 years old man, with dark blue hair, and a tall stature.

His features were sharp, but only himself knew if he is angry about the loss of face or something else.

"Brother, how did I lose face in front of people here?"

Lenora knew that her brother is not angry about this loss of face.

"How? You are saying that you are engaged! But even I, your elder brother, did not hear about that!"

Lenora's brother knitted his brows.

"Don't worry about that. My grandfather already knew."

Lenora a winning smile that she use for her victories.

"What? Grandfather knows?"

Lenora's brother was shocked.

'How would grandfather agree to this?!'

"Humph! You can go and ask him yourself. Anyway, excuse me, I am going to accompany my fiancé."

Lenora humphed and passed both of the young men to reach the other end of the hall.

She looked at the smiling Jay who was talking with the trio, and prayed that all of this will work.

She felt very nervous. She just wanted from Jay to hold his ground, and no more. She wanted a shield not scared from the powerful families.

And she hoped for a miracle to happen tonight.

But even before reached Jay she heard another voice.

"Mr. Jay. It's really marvelous to see you here. Hahaha, I am happy that attended now."

"Charles, it's been a long-time ha-ha-ha, call me Jay, my friend. I told you that but you keep this annoying honorific. What? Do you want me to call you Mr. Charles now?"

Jay smiled at the new comer, this is his new servant he made couple of days ago, and he told him to behave as a friend in public.

"Hahaha, no of course not. Alright, brother Jay, what do you think about this banquet? Did you have fun?"

"Well, it's always nice to meet new people, don't you think?"

"I think so. But I never knew that you would be happy around this much people. Ha-ha."

"Well, I came with my fiancé, so it would be fun even if this is hell"

"Fiancé? Who? She should be very great to make even someone like you interested."

"Oh, here she comes. Lenora come here, darling."

"Long time no see, Charles. I never thought you are friends with Jay."

Lenora greeted Charles politely.

Charles blanked for a couple of seconds.

"Wow! Miss Lenora. I am very shocked. Ha-ha-ha match made by heaven indeed."

"Oh, you know each other? You also think so? Hahaha, well, my eyes are never wrong."

Jay said with a hearty laugh.

"Of course I know miss Lenora. Who doesn't? And we studied in Glory Academy for a time in the same class."

Charles was very picky on his words. If he misstep here and someone just misunderstood, things will be disastrous for him later.

"Sigh! Jay, your overconfidence makes me speechless sometimes."

Lenora sighed and said.

"Ha-ha, Lenora, you are the reason for this confidence. Anyway, Charles, you seem tired. Were you running or something?"

"Nope, there is an auction tonight that our merchant group is handling and I was supervising the process, by the way, I am sure you will like something later. And I will help you buy something tonight, how about this? I am a good friend, right?"

"Good friend? A good friend will make me chose something for free. You have a long way to go, my friend."

"Jay, stop that. You are making things hard for Mr. Charles."

"Ha-ha-ha, I am just kidding."


But the laughter died down as they noticed Jacob coming.

"Young master Charles, good evening. And welcome to our small banquet, I am sure the auction will have many interesting things."

"Oh, Young master Jacob, nice to see you. I was greeting my brother Jay here."

"Oh? Young master Jay? Sorry I did not know you, my name is Jacob Lanoste, welcome to my banquet."

Of course, Jacob have long known who was this young man, he heard the conversation between Jay and Charles, and he was so pissed that he wanted to kill him with his own hands.

This Jay was standing beside Lenora, his dream girl, he thought at first that this just a farce Lenora made to fend him off. But Jay was being intimate in his speech, so he long ago decided to end this Jay in the most gruesome way possible.

"Oh, Mr. Jacob. Nice to meet you. My name is Jay, my fiancé Lenora invited me here. Hahaha, I know iam an unevited guest, but please bear with it till the end."

"No no, Young master Jay is a respected guest here. But may know from which family are you? I am sure I have never heard of your name before, and treat that as my ignorance."

"Hahah, you are too polite. I have no family actually, you see, I am the new root of a new tree hahah. and its not strange that I am unknown to you, today is my first day in Mid Glory."

"Oh? I am sure you are a new strong root. But does that mean that you are from another city?"

"Nope. I am from Glory city."

Everyone listening was puzzled.

"But … I am sorry I think I am dumb, you said that its your first day in Glory City."

"haha, no Mr. Jacob. I said its my first day in Mid Glory City."

"… Do you mean .."

"Yup, I was living on the outskirts for a time now, haha."


Everyone was shocked. 'what is going on here? He is from the outer ring?'

"Hahaha, Mr. Jay, you have a very good sense of humour."

"mm? I know I have a very good sense of humour, but I am sure I am not using it now, Mr. Jacob."

"Hahaha, actually, Young master Jay is really from the outer ring. I have met him there."

"Humph! So he is just another bug from the outer ring! And here I thought he is some of a bigshot."

Jay looked at the source of the voice, and sure enough, the silent Rafiel erupted. Now he knows that this is just a another bug that he can crush with a finger, he did not suppress himself anymore.

And of course, the most happy about this development was Jacob, he wanted to do that more than Rafiel, but he is the host, so he must behave according to himself.

"This young man, what do you mean by bugs? I can see only one bug here, and that is you."

even before Jacob or even the angry Lenora speak, Charles was the angriest.

'If they know how much can my boss do then they would piss their pants, who the fuck are they to judge him!'

"You .."

"Hold on please. Give this me this little face ok? Mr. Rafiel, Mr. Jay is a guest, even if he is an `ordinary` man from the Outer ring, he is a respected guest now."

Of course, everyone can hear the sarcasm of `ordinary` in his voice. Who is here in this banquet? All of them are intelligent. And they know that all of this is just a farce, but some of them, the old and cunning ones, can see the look in Jay's eyes. It's the eyes of a dragon that about to eat everything. They were the most puzzled and anticipants as they know that this banquet is not ordinary from the start.

"Mr. Jacob, can you introduce us to this gentleman here? I am more interested in Lenora's fiancé."

Another actor has entered the fray.

Jay smiled when heard the voice. She is someone that he knows, Carina.