Portion 25: The Return

Lyana Debaux's POV

I was looking at the ground before I felt the gem was burning inside my palm. I winced before I felt the familiar sensation of the first time that I touched the Tanzanite and the next thing that I knew, we were back in the museum that we have vanished from.

"What in the world?" Someone shouted before I turned to look at the person that was saying at us. The first thing that I noticed was his eyes. It was silver and enticing but not my type.

Blue, however…

"Dow, what are you doing here?" Edmond asked before he stood up and he helped me to get up as well. Dow was looking at us before I realized that we were in the Victorian clothing.

"Where have you been, Lattone? I have been summoned here when you were gone for the last 3 days. And then, you were here right now," Dow said before Edmond was smirking at him. I think they were friends like His Lordship and his friend back in Old France.

Could it be?

"Sorry, I forgot to introduce you to my dear fiancée, Lyana. Lyana, this is Lucas Dow, my partner and best friend in the Interpol," Edmond said as I was nodding at him.

"How are you?" I said in English that has a slight accent of French.

"Nice to meet you, Lyana. You were gone for 3 days and you brought back a fiancée. I am surprised with your capability to get someone to like you, Lattone,"

"Shut up," Edmond said before I was releasing the Tanzanite as it was burning my hand. I hissed before Edmond was looking at my wounded hand.

"Are you okay?" Edmond said before he was pulling his cravat and he was wrapping it around the wound. The pain was still there but it was good to know that Edmond cared about me.

"Wait, is that—"

"Lucas, why don't you and I stop right there and I fill you in later? I think I have to take Lyana home," Edmond said before he was moving out of the museum before Lucas was taking the Tanzanite. He sighed.

"You have a lot of explanation to do, Lattone," Lucas called out before Edmond smirked and glanced over his shoulder.

"I am looking forward to it. You will not believe it," Edmond said before we were out of the museum. Thank goodness it was dark and there was no one around before Edmond was leading me to his car.

But then, he cursed when he saw the parking ticket. I chuckled before Edmond turned his eyes on me as he was narrowing his eyes. I coughed before I was looking around before he was opening the door but it was locked.

"Damn it, I forgot that we don't have our clothes from before. My car keys were in there," Edmond said before I was moving to the door and smirked at him.

"Leave it to me," I said before I was hijacking his car and Edmond was speechless to say anything.

"After you," I said as I was opening the door and I was looking at him. He blinked a few times before he was clearing his throat.

"Well, how do you supposed to start the car without its keys?" Edmond asked me as he was arching his eyebrows at me. I rolled my eyes before I was moving to the driver seat and I was pulling the wires and did the hot-wiring of the car. It started before I was looking at an astonished Edmond.

"You were saying?"

"That you have too many skills? Oh yeah," he said before I was moving to the other seat and he took the driver seat before he was speeding off from the parking and we were out of here.

I was looking at the familiar sight of Paris and the Eiffel Tower that has been finished build. I sighed a relief. I wondered what happened to His Lordship and his friend. I hoped they were okay and survived the revolution.

"What are you thinking about?" Edmond asked me as I was looking from the window and I turned to look at him.


"Your face. You were thinking about something that you don't even listen to my question. What are you thinking about, my love, that you refused to talk to me, your fiancé?" Edmond said as he was pulling my hand and kissed my knuckle. I smiled before he rested on his thigh.

I think I was thinking about something else right now when he did that.



"You still not here. What happened?" Edmond asked before he was laughing at me. I blushed as I was looking at the window before I was clearing my throat.

"Nothing," I said as I was blushing hard right now. I don't think the dark helped since Edmond smirked.

"Are you still not over His Lordship's proposal?" Edmond said as he was arching his eyebrow at me. I scoffed.

"Well, if you're still jealous about that—"

"I am,"

"—then I have to show you that you have nothing to worry about that," I said as I was looking at our intertwined hands. If he thinks that I have fallen for that old man, Edmond was so wrong.

That guy was dead now.

"Well, I wonder what will you be doing to make sure that I will not get jealous then, love," Edmond said as he was kissing my knuckle again before I blushed. Then, he stopped by the sidewalk and we were out of the car after I was discontinued the hot-wiring of the car.

I think Edmond should get the keys and fixed the wiring tomorrow.

"Come on, I think I have the first kit aid in the bathroom," Edmond said as he was turning the doorknob and I was surprised that it was not locked.

"Did you not worried that burglars might be coming inside here?" I asked him before he was turning on the light and I was blinking a few times to adjust my eyes to the brightness.

"Nope. besides, they don't have anything to be stolen about. I don't have anything valuable in here and I think someone will not want to be on the list of Interpol wanted," Edmond said before I flustered. That means I was on the wanted list of Interpol.

"So, what now?" I asked him before he was moving to the bathroom and pulled the first kit aid. I was seated at the sofa before I was handing Edmond my injured palm as he was removed the cravat that we brought back from the 1800s. I sighed.

"Why are you sighing?"

"That could be an artifact for our fashion history of the Victorian era. I think I might keep it as a memento," I said as I was touching it with my hand. Edmond chuckled.

"Are you sure that was the only reason? They have blood everywhere,"

"Well, one of the reasons but I cannot tell you all the reasons now, can I?" I said as I was arching my eyebrow at Edmond. He laughed.

Edmond was putting some antiseptic before I winced. I was looking at his immaculate technique of putting the bandage on and I was happy to know that Edmond was talented enough to take care of me.

"Thank you," I said as I was smiling at him. Edmond closed the first kit aid and we were silent for a while.

"So—" we said simultaneously before we both chuckled.

"You go first,''

"No, you go first. I think I want to listen to your voice first," Edmond said as he was leaning on the sofa. I sighed before I was leaning against the sofa as well. I was looking at Edmond before I was caressing his arm.

"Thank you," I whispered before Edmond was looking at me.

"For what?"

"For not taking me to the prison for my crimes," I said before Edmond was looking into my eyes.

"Well, that was still undecided," he said as I was blinking at him. Edmond stood up before I was standing from the sofa as well.

"What do you mean?"

"It means that I won't turn you in, Lyana but I have to get something that will make you innocent of the crimes and I think by returning all the gems that you have collecting—"

"But I don't have them in my possession," I said as I was looking at him. Edmond blinked his eyes at me before he stared at me.

"What did you just told m?"

"I don't have the gems, I gave it to the rightful owners," I said before Edmond was looking at me.

"And who are the rightful owners of those gems?" He asked as I sighed.

"Anyone that has been researching for their family heirloom. Most recently, I think it was the Citrine of Greece that belongs to a family of a monarch in Greece, of course," I said before Edmond asked me the million-dollar question.

"Why?" He asked as I was smiling at him before I took his hands and we sat on the safe.

"Because the Louvre was corrupted and I think it was my duty to do it right," I said as I was looking at Edmond as if I was going insane.

Maybe I was but I don't blame myself. I would say it was the society that made me who I was today.