Red Eyed Faust - 6

It is not a good sight for Faust, all of these feelings are really stirring up his blood and vomitting in his brain. His head is exploding with different kinds of thoughts everyday.

Bella jumps forward and groans at the mother who was holding Faust, soon bella starts barking making the woman leave her hold on Faust.

The mother goes back to the crowd while eyeing Faust and Bella.

*"They don't care about me."* Faust pulls his shirt up and arranges his backpack before walking away with a murky face.

"Really! I wish it was this kid who died in place of Gus." The mother yells as Faust is leaving.

"Please! You cannot say that to a kid." Clara tries to intervene but the mother of the bully doesn't heed her advice

"What will happen? He is an orphan anyway, nobody would stand up for him nor take him in. Talentless trash." The mother goes on.

"Ahito! Are you okay my kid?" The woman goes back to check on his kid.