Wrath of a Demon God

The weapons of soldiers and Captains are in different league. That is what differentiates a captain from his squadron, Ares bleeds as his chest is pierced with two arrows, he breathes heavily and stands still without moving a muscle in his body. 

The dark clouds in the sky started to rumble in thunder as if the gods were angry, right on cue the rain begin to fall from the sky, small bands of rain drops felt warm to Ares as he gets drenched, it's as if he is being hugged by the warmth of the heavens. 

Zoilas draws his bow string back to shoot another one of his arrow. 

*"Please hear my wish Ares, protect the village"* 

*"My daughters can't live a day without me, I will go back to them soon and there will be no further raids from Caracus, my daughters can have a peaceful life unlike me"*

*"You guys are our responsibility, we will go to war with you"*