
"But! Before I come with you guys. I want you, the monkey who is sitting on top of another monkey to answer me something." Thorik says referring to the guy who is sitting on top of a beast.

"How dare you talk ill about Sir Arald! Just when he took pity on you guys and wanted to let you all live." Hawk says while approaching Thorik with cuff's.

"Heh! This human suddenly grew horns now that he knew I was going to spare his puny life?" Arald says as he stares down at Thorik while smiling from the corner of his mouth.

Arald seems calm without getting provoked or intimated by Thorik's words but inside he is saying*"Talk big all you want. Once the beasts are all assembled. You won't be able to talk anymore."* To Thorik out of anger glittering eyes.