Chapter Five: Stories and Songs

???'s POV:

I closed the window once I saw that the Dark Sanses And Blue we're returning to OuterTale. Why is Blue with them? Ink hasn't created in awhile but why Error hasn't destroyed?

We watched as they joked around and teased each other. They all were laughing as they sat around the tree. Well, all but Nightmare and Error. My brother and the destroyer were sitting in the tree, Error in my brother's lap.

But I'm confused. They're all so happy. Blue's aura is normally slightly angry but it's pure happiness here. Also, where did Blue get a giant mallet from? Wait... Focus Dream! You're here to get information.

"I don't see how the council thinks I'm innocent." Blue huffed. Wait...He talk about us? Has he told about our meetings?! No, we said he doesn't discuss meetings with the other side.

"I don't either. I mean, with that mallet of yours you have beaten me and Ruru. And we were sparing both of us against you!" My brother exclaimed.

"But they don't know that. Stars, they don't even know I have a mallet." Blue pointed out.

"Hehehe! I love this! Mom, thank you so much for helping us bond!" Horror giggled. Error made them act like this? All because they bonded? And what's up with them calling Nightmare Dad and Error Mom?

"No need to thank me Horror! You guys are my family!" Error purred as my brother petted him.

"Mom, can you tell us another story?" Dust asked with a sparkle in his eye.

"Sure powder." Error replied, dodging a thrown slipper. "Let's see..."

"Ah. There once was a universe called Under-Span. Inside it was a sans nicknamed Era. Era... was kinda like us, minus Blue. He watched his family and friends die permanently. But instead of dust staying there, it turned into coding. He found others from a creator. In fact, this creator is different then Ink. She just sets up AU's and lets them live how they desire. Era joined the other creations of her." Error explained.

"Wow! Wait, but there's another Creator?" Killer asked, worried.

"Mhm. She's much more mellow though and uses the outside of the multiverse. In fact, she likes us. It was kinda obvious when her first creation had to hold her back from hugging me." Error laughed.

"Oh, stars I can see that." Blue giggled.

"Pfff! Wait, but why didn't they attack you? Minus their creator liking you." My brother questioned.

"Their creator doesn't force them to follow her. They just do it naturally because of her acting insane from time to time." Error hummed. "But to answer that, it's because they are the Netrual side." Netrual side? Oh, that female skeleton!

"There's another creator?" Ink whispered in disbelief.

"Oh, that makes sense. Ase said he was from that side!" Cross chirped. "Anyways can you sing to us mom?"

"Sure Oreo." Error chuckled. Then started singing.

Song: Kids in the Dark

I watched in amazement as they all sung. Error sang the main parts, with my brother and his gang singing the background words, up until the chorus. Everyone but Blue shout/Sung the chorus with Blue singing 'What a shame' when it came up. When it all ended they all were laughing.

"Come here and let me get revenge for giving me the least amount of lines!" Blue teased as he tried jumping up to Error.

"Hahaha no! I don't wanna be tickled!" Error laughed.

"Night help me!" Blue playfully pouted.

"What in the multiverse is going on anymore..." Stretch asked quietly as we watched them joke and play around.

"What happened to the cruel and insane monsters we knew?" Outer whispered.

"What happened to their emotionless aura?" I whispered.

"I guess Blue was right. We didn't know them at all. No wonder he suggested it, we wanted us to see this side of them." Ink muttered.

"Error was right though. We accepted Death but not them..." iI admitted.

"Dunckle Error!" OuterTale Chara, aka Nova, exclaimed as she ran into the clearing.

"Heya Kiddo!" Error greeted, rubbing the kids head as she came up.

"Why didn't you tell me you guys were here?" Nova huffed.

"Sorry kiddo. I sent you a text though." Error explained with a shy smile.

"I left that at the support system..." Nova admitted.

"Support System?" Outer whispered curiously.

"Heh, well there you go." Error chuckled.

"Anyways, Frisk is planning on Reseting and going Genocide routes," Nova told them. I glanced over to Outer and saw that his eyes went dark.

"Thanks for letting us know kiddo. Hey, wanna come with us this time?" Error asked Nova. Nova shook their head.

"No can do. I gotta be there for my insane act. Hopefully, they won't do so many Genocide routes though." Nova gave a small smile.

"It's okay kiddo. Text me when the Genocide routes are over with so we can come back." Error replied, rubbing their head.

"Okay, Dunckle! You guys be safe!" Nova called out, making no a portal and grabbing their phone.

"Back at you Kiddo." Error waved goodbye as they all left.