Error's POV:
I carry Blue over to the Tree of Feelings and sat down next to it with Blue in my lap. He nuzzled into my chest as we sat.
"Stars Error, Your aura hasn't been this happy since you joined our family." Nightmare commented as he and the gang came up, them all sitting against the tree with us.
"Wait... Oh, stars are you okay? Is the aura hurting you?!" Blue worried over Nightmare. I saw Dream hesitant in the distance. I made a slight movement with my head to have him come over. He did right as Blue returned to my lap.
"Hi..." Dream said reluctantly as I set a now pouting Blue on the ground.
"Calm down and loosen up. We aren't here for a fight, just to talk." I explained. He nodded and sat next to Blue, who cheered up.
"Hello, Dream!" Blue chirped.
"Hey... Um, Why is both of your aura's so positive? Even more than at OuterTale..." Dream asked.
"Hehe! Because Erry agreed to be my bro!" Blue giggled, leaning on me. I subconsciously started rubbing his skull, which caused purrs from him.
"So... you two aren't dating?" Dream asked confused, causing us to laugh.
"Nah, We're leaving that place for Power." I chuckled as I dodged a thrown slipper.
"Though I'm surprised Error didn't take up for the mom role like for the rest of us or the Dunckle role like the Chara equals." Horror commented.
"You guys are children enough to me, It's a wonder how Ruru takes care of thousands of Chara equals." Nighty responded.
"It's called patience and acceptance. Not like you'd know from last week." I said causing everyone but Nighty and Dream to laugh.
"What happened last week?" Dream questioned confused.
"Let's just say Night is a sore loser," Cross explained in-between laughs.
"Like your any better!" Nighty hissed, trying to hide his blush.
"I don't throw the game out a window." Cross chuckled.
"Yet you and Killer fight over chocolate every single day." Nighty groveled.
"Calm down Nighty we're just teasing you," I smirked.
"Yeah, it's not like we haven't said this before." Dust added.
"I...Should I leave?" Dream whispered to Blue and me.
"Nah this happens every day. Just prepare for a window to be broken." Blue said back.
"But there are no windows nearby?" Dream says with a confused expression.
"Never stopped Nighty before." I chuckled under my breath.
"Anyways, we should explain the balance." Nightmare huffed.
"Okay, So who's explaining what?" Killer asked.
"Blue can explain Mine and the Ink Blot's since I've made him keep it a secret for awhile," I stated.
"Yes!" Blue exclaimed, pumping his fist into the air.
"Dad you should explain the balance your in," Cross added.
"Right." Night replied with a nod of his head.
"Mom you can explain Life and Death's balance since your immune to Death's touch and Life's healing." Horror explained.
"Kay," I answered.
"We'll explain the ones the Chara equals are of." Dust stated, making us all nod.
"Um... so that's four?" Dream said hesitantly.
"Mhm." I Agreed. Dream slowly nodded his head.
After telling the positivity ball about the balances
"What... Oh, my stars I'm so sorry..." Dream muttered. He kept on saying sorry.
"Don't worry about it. You didn't know. Stars, outside of the 'Dark' and Netrual Sides I don't think anyone knows, Sides you now." I hummed in though.
"...Why haven't you told them sooner though? It could have ended the entire war..." Dream questioned.
"Because these dorks aren't always right by me when I'm asked. No way in the multiverse am I risking their safety. I know the Fells and SwapFells can get dangerous. They may be able to defend them self's but that doesn't mean I won't protect them." I said confidently. Blue leaned on me more, smiling wide.
"You guys really are family..." Dream whispered to himself. I looked at Nighty and got a nod of approval.
"Ya know... you can always join us. You don't have to but if you want you can." I said. He stares up is disbelief.
"...Really?" Dream asked.
"Mhm! Besides, I'm sure Nighty will be happy if you did. Since he has a picture of you guys in that locket of his." I teased. "Sadly it only shows when he's not in Goop Lord form."
I dodged a thrown shoe as the others laugh.
"What did I say about calling me that?" Nighty hissed.
"I dunno Nuggetmare. I didn't listen." I teased, having to dodge another shoe.
"I will." Dream states.
"Huh?" Cross asks.
"I'll join. I first got to tell Ink though." Dream explains.
"Welcome to the family Dream!" Blue exclaims, hugging Dream.
"Wow, you have been immediately abandoned Mom." Horror chuckled. It was my turn to throw a shoe.