"Su Luxia! You have quite the nerve!" a raging voice yelled out. Su Luxia dropped to the floor and angrily cried: "What have I have to be afraid of! This wench-" she said bitterly as she pointed her fingers at the pitiful girl crying on the floor.

"This wench seduced a man on the outside, being improper at the palace gates! With my noble consort status, I- naturally have the right to discipline her!" she angrily shouted at the man. Noble lady Liu, the pitiful crying on the floor sobbed in dismay as she stuttered:

"Your- Majesty- please understand- I really didn't,"

The man looked at Noble lady Liu pitifully and told her, "she wouldn't do such a thing," while pulling her softly to his embrace.

Su Luxia's eyes widened.

"As for you-" the man said looking at Su Luxia with disgust told her- "pass an imperial decree down, due to long time jealousy and envy, your words have become into rotten insults, Su Luxia.

For now, your title of Noble Consort Su will be stripped and you will be demoted as Consort Su,"

Su Luxia drowned herself into her knees as she heard that. Her eyes were swelling with overbearing tears.

"Y-your majesty-?" she said frozen in time. The Emperor looked at Lady Liu and told her," and Noble lady Liu will be promoted to Noble Consort, for carrying the heir to the throne,"

Noble Lady Liu's face lightened up when she heard the Emperor's words. She smiled at her beauty, her rosy cheeks blossoming red as if shy, said: "You- actually knew?"

The Emperor pampered her and pulled her closer to her and said: "Of course,"

Su Luxia fell to the floor. She then angrily cried: " That morally lose woman is actually harboring your child!?"

Emperor looked at her with contempt and said: "Correct, we cannot let you harm her or our child,"

Su Luxia couldn't hold it anymore. She fell onto her knees and started laughing, who knew?? Who knew that she would be betrayed and thrown this far off onto the cliff?

"Harm?" she laughed as tears swelled her eyes. "Is this how his Majesty sees me? After having been married for four years?"

The Emperor stared at her blankly.

Su Luxia anxiously cried, "On the first year of our marriage- before you ascended the throne- do you remember when the Crown Prince tried to harm you? Then I grabbed the cup for you and drank the poison?"

"Or do you remembered when the rebellion group struck us- I was the one who took the blade instead of you?" she cried.

"Have I ever done anything WRONG to you???" she said weepingly. Su Luxia couldn't believe her ears. There was nothing left for her.

The Emperor stood there astounded, his hand's hesitating. Noble Lady Liu quickly went into action as she cried:

"Your Majesty! Please forgive Elder sister! I am the one to be blamed!!" she fell onto her knees and begged the Emperor. Lady Liu sobbed louder and cried: "Please I am the one- to be blamed. Don't trouble yourself! Your Majesty!"

"WENCH-!" Su Luxia cursed loudly. The Emperor quickly looked at her with disgust. "Su Luxia! Calm down!"

"Please- I am begging you, Your Majesty!" Liu went on her knees and pulled the Emperor's robes. The Emperor looked at her and sighed, "Yan'er, don't lower yourself for others, you didn't do anything wrong,"

He pulled Noble Lady Liu and pulled her closer to himself and embraced her. He looked at Su Luxia as if he wanted to slap her.

"Su Luxia! Refrain from blaming others! For now- you shall be placed under house arrest!"

Su Luxia couldn't believe what she was hearing. He was believing that wench over her??? She couldn't feel herself.

The Emperor carried Consort Liu with his arms and took her away. Before he walked out the door he looked at Su Luxia angrily and spat:

"There are a lot of people who change. Su Luxia, this is the first time I have ever seen anyone turn from a kind, forging person to a venomous snake,"

Su Luxia felt her world fall.

"Now-" the Emperor said looking at her with contempt in his eyes told her: "I can't even look at you-"

Then the door behind him shut.


Su Luxia felt her life drain out of her. She started laughing as tears brimmed in her eyes. "Can't look at me?" she yelled in dispair as she drowned to the floor.

"I- changed? Or is that you're the one who changed?!" Su Luxia slammed her head against the iron pillar. She was broken. She was betrayed... there was nothing left for her to live for.

Why-? Why?

She loved him and followed him for years. He also told her that she was the most precious person to him. And now this-?

She laughed insanely. She fell against the pillar. Why? Su Luxia closed her eyes and called out faintly, "Your Majesty-"

Soon her eyes dimmed and blackened.


[System: 1% 2% 3% Analyzing...]


[System: 99%... 100%... Analyzing complete!

Archive 1898

Arc: Chinese Ancient Period

Client Name: Su Luxia

Age: 24


[System: Dear esteemed host! Please wake up! I have connected your souls!]

{Host name: Su Luxia

Age: 24

Dimensional Period: 2020

Occupation: Transmigrator

Agency: Transmigration Ind.

Department: Revenge Dep.

Quote:? All Cheating Men must Die!


Su Luxia's eyes opened she blinked twice and then realized her surroundings. 'Where the F*cking hell am I?' she thought as she inspected around her.

[Dear Su Luxia, welcome to the Ancient Chinese Period]

'Ah... another mission eh? But-' Su Luxia looked at her forehead. She frowned. "What a lack of strength! She is bleeding?? One more hit to the head- I would have been gone!"

[Su Luxia... I have given you your memories! Are you ready for this revenge?]

"Tch... another annoying bastard..." Su Luxia clicked her tongue. "Did this bastard hit this girl?"

[Nope. Poor Su Luxia beat herself out for love...]

"Truly... what's wrong with women these days... choosing men without thinking..." Su Luxia inspected herself.

[Instead this woman isn't from 'these days,' it's the concubine Chinese Cheatdom period!]

"Cheatdom period huh? Well, whatever... this drama better be fun~"

[Fun? Su Luxia? Are you out of your mind??]

"Come on- the last mission- the bastard committed suicide... I didn't have fun with him," Su Luxia said.

[Are you ready for it? You know- Revenge?]

"Share me the details, after that- we'll start this show," Su Luxia sneered as she sat down comfortably. 'I'll have fun torturing this bastard instead...' she laughed sinisterly.

[Eeek... It's Revenge for Luxia time!]