



Hana vaguely heard the sound of a heart monitor. She opened her eyes slowly. The white ceiling and smell of disinfectant assaulted her. Hospital? How in the world did she survive the air raid?

She was certain the enemies would have used nukes at least to finish them off. How did she end up in a hospital? If the one at headquarters was destroyed, the closest one was 1000 miles away.

She glanced around the small room. No windows. A single droopy plant in the corner. She lied on a white bed. What she heard as a 'heart monitor' was actually a clock. It seemed like it was evening.

She checked herself. Her arms were unscathed, with only a few scratches. However, she was skinnier than she remembered. She felt relatively tired. Had she been in a coma? No way.

So strange.

Actually, this place didn't seem much like a hospital. Except the smell, there was no equipment.

The door opened and a nurse walked in. "Finally awake?"

Hana blinked. "Ah?"

The nursed clucked. "You're too reckless. Entering a dungeon with your level of power is suicide. You're lucky your scrapper team sent you to a hospital. Most just leave them to die."

Hana stiffened. Dungeon? Apparently she had a level of power? So she had a power? Scrapper? She smiled politely. "Elder sister, do you have a mirror?" From the nurse's genuine behavior, Hana immediately had a thought. Her heart trembled.

The nursed paused, then laughed. "Here," she handed over a mirror, "don't worry, there wasn't much harm to your face. The healers had more trouble with your legs than anything. If they were any more shattered, you would have been crippled." She smiled. "Although I can't blame you, your looks are stunning. I'll let you rest for a bit more. Your sister will be here to pick you up shortly."

Hana clenched the mirror tightly. Obsidian black hair fell behind her, bangs framing a stunning face. Porcelain white skin and pouty pink lips. Big purple eyes. Young, should be a teenager.

Not her face.

She pieced together the information. New terminology. She had powers. A sister. A foreign face.

"Transmigration is real," she muttered, "It's actually real." All the light novels she read. Anime she watched. She finally experienced transmigration!

[Detecting new host. System binding . . . ]

Hana straightened at the sound. System?!?!

[Binding complete. Welcome Host to the Otaku Card System! Due to the detection of a new soul within the host, host has been granted 30% luck on draws and a 2 draw feature with each level increase. Host has also received a newbie package.]

Hana laughed. Transmigration and a cheat! A system!

"Describe the system!"

[The Otaku Card system was created from the powerful devotion of many to anime. It has hosts across multiple worlds and dimensions As host increases her level, she will have the chance to draw cards which grant skills and tools from anime. Would host like to open the status window?]


A console like image appeared before her.

Name: Hana Zhao

Level: 1

Cards in Storage: 10

Draws Available: 2

"So simple?" Hana muttered. Then she saw a few more icons on the side that were greyed out. Only two were outlined in blue.

"System, what are those."

[Features you have yet to unlock. At your current level, you only have access to Card Storage and Drawing Wheel]

"Ok, I want to see my card storage."

Immediately, a series of cards appeared before her in her mind. They sort of looked like Pokemon cards, with a small image and a description under. She selected the first one.

Name: Zorua

Type: Creature

Anime: Pokemon

Note: The mini master of shadows, isn't in cute?

"Interesting." Hana smiled. "System, how come there's no move set description?"

[System cannot provide host with knowledge of how to use her cards.]

"Huh?" Hana frowned. This system was kind of useless. Who ever heard of a system that refused to help the host?! "Ok then, can you describe the summoning process?"

[Host is able to summon her cards in the real world. Due to this world being different from an anime world, aspects of cards may be altered. When host summons a card in the real world, there is no time limit unless if the card sustains heavy damage. Cards will return to the Card Storage if damaged excessively and there will be a one day cool down time. Host may also return cards to the storage at will.]

Hana decided to test it out. "Summon Zorua!" In a flash, a Zorua appeared by her bedside. The card in the system vanished. "Return!" The Zorua disappeared and the card appeared in storage.

Just when she was about to test out some more cards, the door slammed open.

"Sister!" A young girl ran in, hugging her tightly.

Hana froze. This should be the sister of her predecessor. It seemed like she couldn't see the system. . .

[Only Host could see the system. Also, the System suggests the Host use the system mentally rather than verbally lest she be labeled as a lunatic].

Heh, looks like the system can be snarky at times.

Hana cleared her throat. "Um miss, who are you?" Regretfully, it seemed like she transmigrated without retaining the memories of her predecessor. Since it was only a matter of time before people would discern that she was different, it would be better to fake amnesia.

The young girl stiffened, peering at her. "You don't remember me?" Hana shook her head.

The young girl teared up. "Sister, I'm Rina."

"Rina?" Hana patted her head. "You're my little sister right?" The girl nodded her head vigorously. In fact, she did look like her. The black hair and purple eyes. Around twelve. Hana sighed. "Don't worry, I'll slowly regain my memories."

The girl was calmed by those words. She tugged her hand. "Home," she muttered.

Hana let the young girl lead her away. Now that she thought of it, it seemed strange that her little sister came rather than her parents.

"Why the hurry?" Hana asked.

"The longer we stay, the more money." Rina said softly. She paid at the counter, before tugging her out of the hospital. Hana inwardly noted. It seems like money was an issue in the family.

She let Rina lead her down the streets. Hana glanced around, it seemed like a normal city. Evening was about to fall, and the street lamps were on. People around them hurried on the streets.

Through the window, she caught a glimpse of fire blooming in a chef's hand. Above her, a few people levitated in air as they adjusted the sign on a tower. It's seems like powers did exist here.

Eventually, the two moved toward the edges of the city. Hana could see a forest in the distance. Finally, they stopped before a small apartment building. Rina moved up the stairs. Hana glanced at the slightly dusty rail and faded walls.

"Here," Rina dug around for a key, before unlocking the door. Hana stepped inside her new home.