Combat Classification Examinations

Name: Hana Zhao

Age: 16

Ability Rank: F

Combat Classification: 1.5 Stars

Residence: Floor 45

Licenses: Student, Scrapper

After dinner, Hana looked at her ID in order to determine how to earn money. Everyone was required to register for a license to determine their occupations.

Hana had to become a hunter to enter dungeons. Hunters lived a high risk life, but the return was good. And they really needed money. Her account balance was at a pitiful 900 credits.

Rent already took 3,000 credits. Then there was Rina's school fees adding up to 15,000 credits.

Ugh, a dignified assassin such as her actual fell to have money problems.

Hana scowled, and pulled up information about hunter licenses. According to the site, ability rank didn't matter, but a combat classification of 3 stars was required.

In this world, all people were born with ability cores. At age 5, abilities are tested in schools and officially recorded. Abilities rank from S to F, with S as the highest magical energy output. Higher ranking abilities indicated a more purified core, allowing for abilities to be easily controlled and having high magical output. Higher ranking abilities also absorb more energy from monster cores, allowing them to develop a lot faster.

However, combat classification was different. Combat classifications were determined by dungeon runs, clears, and overall battle performance. It could be said that letter ranking measured potential while star classification represented one's actual strength.

Currently, her combat classification was at 1.5 Stars, barely a combatant. She would have to take a tests to upgrade her classification before applying for a hunter license.

So, Hana found her way to the local Hunter Association branch in the city the next day. The Hunter Association had branches in every floor, with headquarters located at the Floor 100.

The Crosswind City branch was a large building in the center of the bustling city.

"I'm here for a combat classification test." Hana said to the lady at reception.

The woman gestured casually down the hall. "Two doors down. Only Lei Feng is available today."

Hana walked down the hall and pushed open the doors, revealing a large gym area. Weapons crowded the walls, leaving a enormous open space. In the middle, a large empty platform stood. A middle-aged man stood inside, polishing arrowheads. He looked up as she entered.

"Combat test right?" Lei Feng sized up the girl. A young teenager, should be in school. He inwardly groaned. Another brat who wanted to bit off more than they could chew.

Hunters were a popular job nowadays, especially with the growing number of dungeons. With the young age limit, many kids were trying to ditch school to become hunters. Many thought they could handle it, with their high ranking abilities.

However, the combat class requirement disqualified many. Even if you had a strong ability, it would be useless if you couldn't fight with it.

Lei Feng grimaced. "Scan your ID here."

He stared dumbfound at the girl's stats. F—ranked ability. And the last combat test taken 3 weeks ago. 1.5 stars. Not to mention she was only sixteen.

"You want to become a hunter?" He asked. Hana nodded.

"Kid, I'm gonna tell you honestly. Your ability rank is already . . . aishh. And you only took this test 3 weeks ago. You're barely qualify as a combatant. With your age, you should be studying in school rather than running out to play in dungeons."

"I want to take this test." Hana smiled lightly. "You'll might be surprised Uncle."

Black lines fell down Lei Feng's face. What part of him looked like an uncle?! He was barely 27, little brat.

Lei Feng shrugged. "Alright, you know the rules. No artifacts or elixirs allowed. You may choose weapons from this room and you can use your ability. Step onto the platform when you're ready."

Hana headed straight for the dagger section. Balancing a few in her hand, she grabbed two that were most similar to the ones she was used to. She twirled them. Not bad.

Lei Feng eyed her as she got use to the weapons. To his shock, she looked pretty comfortable with them. Interesting.

Hana jumped onto the platform. "How many stars do you want to test for?" Lei Feng asked. "The maximum is 5."

Any high scores would factor actual dungeon runs rather than the simulation.

The simulation assessment consisted of the challenger fighting virtual dungeon monsters. Depending on the stars the challenger wanted to test for, the monsters numbers and difficulty levels would vary.

"Three Stars," Hana decided.

Lei Feng tapped the control screen. "Prepare yourself then." The lights in the room dimmed. Translucent walls rose up, encasing the platform into a sealed space.

Laser appeared, flickering around the space.

Hana raised her daggers in a reverse grip, tightening her hold.

Immediately, four white wolves appeared. Black lightning sparked around them as they paced forward, baring their fangs.

Hana marveled at the animals. They looked so realistic. The lightning shrouded their bodies like a dangerous spider web. The crackling and snapping sound was clear with her heightened senses.

She met the dark pupils of the wolves, stilling as they observed her.


Hana's gaze turned cold. She radiated a murderous aura that plunged the room into darkness.

The wolf in the lead snarled. Throwing his head back, he let out an ominous howl. Hunt.

The fours wolves lunged forward.