Best Chip

"Thank you, I will work hard." Zhao Ming bowed to the coach.

The coach waved his hand dismissively. "You're only an alternate. Work hard to get an actual place on the team."

Zhao Ming nodded with a respectful smile. As he turned away, it slid ff his face. Coldly, he walked outside the gates of A.S. Academy to his hotel. He would have to find a dorm soon.

Zhao Ming sent a gentle nod at the receptionist in the lobby, getting him a shy blush.

Taking the elevator up to his suite, Zhao Ming paused as he noticed the annoyance at his door. He frowned, but schooled is expression neutrally.

"Ah Ming," Huang Feifei called. She shyly looked at the floor as she held a lunch box toward him. "I bought you dinner. I'm really sorry but I won't be able to make anymore since I have to dorm at Havillard."

Zhao Ming glanced at the lunch box and took it. "It's fine." His hand brushed over hers as he took the lunch box.

Huang Feifei blushed. She tugged at her hair meekly. "Be sure to eat your meals. I won't disturb you any longer tonight. Make sure to sleep well. I'll be cheering you on!" She bit her lip and left quickly.

Zhao Ming watched the elevator close on her figure, then entered his room.

Tossing his keys on the counter, he grabbed his laptop from the couch.

Sitting at the table, he opened the lunch box and checked the contents for additives. He would be a fool to simply eat something made by that woman.

The food was still warm. Vegetables and meat were artfully placed over a bed of white rice. It was definitely nutritious, but smelled nice. A box of grapes (something he often ate) and a bottle of warm milk was also included. Evidently much thought was placed into the preparation of the meal.

However, Zhao Ming methodically placed the food in his mouth. It tasted the same as anything to him. Normally he wouldn't even eat it, but he was busy tonight.

Opening up his laptop, he waited for the video call. Minutes later, a screen popped up.

"My dearest Ming," A women's voice cried.

Zhao Ming smiled. "Hello Mom."

The woman pouted. "I miss you so much. Your father refused to allow you back so soon. He won't even let me visit you."

She peered at him worriedly. "Are you eating well? Don't stress yourself out too much in classes. They don't matter anyway. If you don't do well, your mom is here. I can raise you for the rest of your life."

Zhao Ming gave her an embarrassed look. "Mom, you coddle me too much. I'm grown up now."

The woman laughed. "Yes yes, my son is very mature now."

"I'm an alternate on the school's team," Zhao Ming informed her. He flashed a proud grin.

"Yes, I heard! Mommy is so proud of you!" The woman smiled. "I'll try to ask your father if you can visit soon. I will prepare a feast for you to celebrate. My boy is the best!"

Zhao Ming smiled. "Ok."

"Are you having dinner?" Zhao Ming's mother saw the food through the screen.

"Yeah, a friend made it for me."

"A girl?" The woman gave him a knowing look. "Only girls do things like this. You found a girlfriend? Are you dating someone?"

Zhao Ming shook his head.

"You can't fool me! Well, having some girlfriends is fine at your age. Make sure to let her down easy when you come back. Make sure it's a clean break."

"Mom . . . "

"Did I say something wrong? Only the best girl should stand by my son. Look at that box. She didn't even include seafood! And the meat is of such common grade. You don't even like grapes. Son, you need to be careful about girls like these. Your mom is also a woman. I know these tricks."

She waved her hand. "Don't worry, when you come back, I find the best wife for you. One that is fitting of your status and will take care of you genuinely. I'll make sure she is pretty as well." She winked.

"Ok mom, I know. Let's stop here tonight. Dad will get mad if he finds out you contacted me again." Zhao Ming made a sound of exasperation.

He said a few more placating words before ending the call. His gentle face immediately vanished.

He pushed aside the food. Talking to these people always made him lose his appetite.

Quickly switching sites, he entered a secure channel. Covering the camera, he waited. Another video call popped up. Identity also veiled.

"Are you doing well?" A gruff voice sounded.

"Fine," Zhao Ming's voice was cold, "Everything is going smoothly. However, I will need time to enter the inner circle."

"How much? We cannot delay our plans much longer."

"I don't know, at least a few months."

"Months! Are you kidding boy!?" In the background, chains clinked as the man yelled.

Zhao Ming scowled. "You think this is easy? I can't even assume my actual identity yet! How can I enter the top so fast? Some things are beyond my control."

"Heh, Zhao Ming, you know you're the best chip we have right now. Your identity is the highest we have. If you mess this up . . . "

"Rest assured, I will not. I will give an answer to Ah Fei, to everyone." He clenched his fist as his voice filled with conviction.

"Good. Fine. We'll speak again in two months then. If you need any help, know that there are agents around you as well. Play it smart kiddo." The call ended abruptly. On screen, the call history vanished like it never occurred.

Zhao Ming slammed the laptop down. He closed his eyes. Looks like he will have to hasten his plans. That girl, Hana Zhao, he would start there. His instinct never failed him before.

Outside the windows, the beautiful night sky twinkled merrily. Zhao Ming rested his palms on the glass. "Ah Fei, wait for me", he mumbled.