Chapter 4. Character sheet (you can omit this chapter, it's just a bunch of numbers)

Adam F. Parsons

Age: 20, Human, male

Current health: 67%

Occupation: Business owner/game developer


Strength: 50 (40) Injury

Intelligence: 70 (60) Medication

Charisma: 80 (40) Injury

Agility: 88 (25) Apparel

Vitality: 87 (66) Injury

Endurance 66 (29) Injury

Willpower 64 (64)

Active Effects:

Broken leg (injury)

Missing teeth (injury)

Cast (Apparel)

Painkillers (Medication)


General/Adulting 75

General/Cooking 37

General/Driving 91

General/Cycling 78

General/Skiing 83

General/Swimming 66

General/Learning 72

General/Studying 45

General/Card games 84

General/Board games 90

General/Local knowledge 66

General/Reading 75

General/Car maintenance 50

Hobby/Papercraft 36

Hobby/Music knowledge 89

Hobby/Young adult culture 45

Hobby/General DIY 29

Hobby/D&D Player 50

Hobby/D&D DM 21

Hobby/Fantasy literature knowledge 76

Hobby/Race driving 15

Professional/Violin 88

Professional/Guitar 39

Professional/Creative writing 49

Professional/Programming: BASIC:Colorful Computer 39

Professional/Programming: BASIC:Durian 1&2 38

Professional/Programming: Assembly:Colorful Computer 5

Professional/Programming: Assembly:Durian 1&2 5

Professional/Hardware knowledge:Colorful Computer 25

Professional/Hardware knowledge:Durian 1 20

Professional/Hardware knowledge:Durian 2 22

Professional/Hardware knowledge:General 24

Professional/Scam Artist:General 50

Professional/Industrial espionage:General 20

Professional/Industrial espionage:Social Engineering 20 (80 by Proxy/Art)

All other Skills are at default levels. For more information on the default levels for your region please refer to user manual vol. 5 p. 345-360.