I was sitting on Dahyun's bed and she was searching dresses for both of us.

Dahyun : "Yes!! found 'em"

She took two dresses one was black and other was Burgundy.

Dahyun : "This is for you. Totally your type not too much not too less just perfect. Now go and wear it"

Y/N : "Okay"

It was a black off shoulder knee length one piece. It was really elegant with cuts on side of waist.

Y/N : "Its really pretty"

Dahyun : "oooo lala you look so pretty gurl"

I smiled.

"I am also going to wear mine"

After some time she came out.

With a skin hugging Burgundy one piece.

Y/N : "You look Hot!!!"

Dahyun : "Ha! I know coz I know there will be many hot guys"

Y/N : "Gosh!! You will never change"

Dahyun : "Never ever"

We both started laughing.

Then we did our makeup and stuff. Dahyun gave me pair of Black heels.


~Taehyung's POV~

I entered in the party with Mina.

Yoongi : "Hey bro!!!"

Taehyung : "Hey! its a really nice party"

Yoongi : " Thanks to my friends. Come I'll introduce you to them."

Taehyung : "Okay, Mina wait for me"

Mina : "I'll go to my friends. I know some people here"

I nodded.

As I was talking to Yoongi and One of his friend Jin.

Jin : "Oh boy! look there is a cute girl, in black dress. I'll go talk to her."

And he leaves as I turned around I saw Y/N. Is he talking about Y/N? But seriously she was looking really very pretty just like an angel.

Yoongi : "Oh that girl is Y/N and she really is looking very Cute. Well good for her Jin is a nice guy"

~Yoongi POV~

I can clearly see jealously in his eyes then why is he hiding his feelings? there must be a reason behind all this.

Yoongi : "Y/N deserves to move ahead in life they both will be perfect match right Tae."

He didn't reply.


As I entered the party Dahyun went to restroom and there I was standing alone.

?? : "Hey!!"

As I turned I saw a tall, handsome guy he kinda looked like a Prince of somewhere.

Y/N : "Hello, do I know you?"

?? : "That's what I am thinking that why I didn't know you earlier but Well we can get to know each other now. Hello I am Kim Seok Jin pleasure to meet you"

He offered me his hand for a handshake.

Well what should I say? He is clearly flirting with me.

Y/N : "Well I am Y/N..."

I was going to shake hands when suddenly someone came behind me and shake hands with him.

Jungkook : "And I am Jeon Jungkook, she is with me"

Jin looked at me as I was shocked to see him too.

Jin : "Y/N do you know him?"

Jungkook : "Well if she is with me she probably know me"

He pulled me close to him by my waist.

Then Taehyung came and removed his hand from my waist.

Taehyung : "Leave her"

Jungkook laughed.

Jungkook : "Why?? where is your girlfriend?"

There I was standing in middle of three of them. It really was looking like a scene from a Drama.