As I was standing outside principal office my heart was beating so fast that I can't even explain. I knocked the door and opened it.

Y/N : "Sir you called me?"

Principal : "Yes you must be Y/N"

Y/N : "Yes sir"

Principal : " Ok sit down"

I sat there and after a min or so Jungkook also came in.

Principal : "I want you both to tell me, What is this?"

He showed us the picture. It was picture of us where I laid my head on Jungkook's shoulder.

Jungkook : "Sir but its nothing bad in it. I mean can't friends sit like this? there is nothing 18+ in it"

Principal : "I know but why was it on the notice board outside?"

Jungkook : "We didn't do it sir let me show you something"

He took out his phone and showed a video.

In that I saw Mina mixing something in my drink and then other video was her pasting the picture on notice board.

"Sir, she is the real culprit"

Principal called someone.

Then he told us to go to our classes. We went out of his office.

Y/N : "Jung...."

Before I could ask him anything he spoke.

Jungkook : "Hey!! Can we meet each other after university?"

Y/N : "Well my classes will end at 1:00pm today and I have work at 5:00 pm but before that I am free so we can meet."

Jungkook : "Ok then come near the golden fountain in the park near your workplace"

Y/N : "But where are we going?"

Jungkook : "On a Date...."

My heart stopped for a sec and my eyes widened.

Jungkook chucked.

"Can't friends hang out together"

Y/N : "Ohhh yes yes they can"

Jungkook : "Ok so see you"

Y/N : "Ya bye"

he walked away.

*Jungkook's POV*

I don't know why but I just want to spend more and more time with her.

A smile formed on my lips as I think about her.

Then suddenly my phone rang. I looked at the ID it was Hoseok.

Jungkook : "Yes"

Hoseok : "You are in big problem"

Jungkook : "Why??"

Hoseok : "Boss wants to see you now"

Jungkook : "I knew that but first I need to finish some work"

I hung up the call.

Jungkook : "Let's go"


As I entered the class I saw everyone looking at the projector screen a video was playing it was the same video Jungkook showed to the principal.

Dahyun looked at me and gestured me to come and I went there.

Dahyun : "In every lecture room this video is being played, everyone is watching this. So Mina was behind all this, such a b***h."

Did Jungkook do this?

Then the bell rang and it was lunch.

Dahyun was eating lunch with me when Taehyung came to me.

Taehyung : "Hey"

Y/N : "Hi"

Taehyung : "I wanted to talk to you about something so...."

Y/N : "Why? where is Mina? Oh ya she probably got suspended from university for sometime right?"

Taehyung : "See I know you are still angry but please I really want to tell you something important"

Y/N : "Forget it I am not angry with you anymore, I never was....I am just disappointed.....OK let's go"

I looked at Dahyun.

"I'll be back"

She smiled and nodded.

He took me to roof and as we both stood there he said...

Taehyung : "I am sorry.....I know its too late for all this but I just can't hold it in anymore. I can't stand your hate."

I can see sadness in his eyes but why is he sad.

Y/N : "What do you mean?"

Taehyung : "Do you know why I started ignoring you as I went to university?"

I shook my head.

"My dad died just 2 days after I joined the university and everything was a mess. Suddenly our business got into losses and our financial condition got even worse. It was very hard for me to handle all this and I didn't wanted to disturb you as it was a crucial year of your high school as you would have gotten admission in a good university on the basis of that years grades."

Y/N : "I know Yoongi oppa told me all this and I feel very bad for uncle's death. How is aunt and your sister now?"

Taehyung : "They are fine now and eomma misses you"

Y/N : "Ohhhhhh I would love to visit her someday"

Taehyung : "Then.....I had to call a meeting of all the partners of dad in his business and Mr.Park who has the highest share in the company after dad told me that if I promise to marry her daughter Park Mina then he would take responsibility of the business as I still am not qualified to handle it and hand it over to me after we both graduate and get married"

So he got in this relationship just coz he didn't have any other choice. It breaks my heart even more to know all this.

Y/N : "Why didn't you tell me all this earlier? If you would've told me this earlier then things would be different. I said so much about you, I thought you cheated on me, you never loved me...."

Taehyung : "No!! I still Love you a lot"

He got on his knees and held my hand.

"that's why I want to ask you that can you wait for me till everything gets all set. I promise that I will make everything right I just want you to trust me this time. I swear to god I never loved anyone else except you and I never will.

Y/N : "I..."