Jin : "Wow!! you remember me?"

Y/N : "Ya I do"

Jin : "What were you doing here?"

Y/N : "Oh just waiting for someone but now that person is not coming"

Jin : "Ohkk....Are you free?"

I made a confused plus questioned look.

"Just wanted to ask you for a cup of coffee only if you are free"

Well I don't have anything else to do so

Y/N : "Okay"

Jin : "Cool I know a great new café here"


Y/N : "Wow! Its a nice place"

Jin : "Told ya"

We ordered coffee and some cake.

Jin : "So how do you know Yoongi?"

Y/N : "We were in same middle school he was a year ahead"

Jin : "So do you guys had a thing?"

Y/N : "No! He is my best friend"

Jin : "Ok sooo.... are you seeing anyone?"

He is a nice guy but I am not in a state to think all this.

"Just asking nothing else"

He laughed nervously.

Y/N : "See I know what you are trying to say but you know I really want to stay away from dating or being in relationship or anything like that for time being I'm sorry"

Jin : "Ouch!! that was very direct"

He started fake crying and that made me laugh.

Jin : "Its OK I can understand"

Y/N : "You are really very sweet and understanding"

I smiled.

Jin : "Soooooo.....Should take it as a yes?"

I looked at him surprised.

Y/N : "No that's not what I..."

He started laughing his a** out.

Jin : "I was just joking, look at your face"

Y/N : "Ha Ha nice joke" I said nervously.

*AT HOME (night time)*

Work went well Namjoon Oppa didn't came as his mother was not well so I covered up for him too. It was exhausting.

I took my phone and laid on the bed. It was 11:30pm.

Jungkook didn't see my message.

Y/N : "Did something happen to him? Should I call?"

I called him but again no one picked up.

Then suddenly Taehyung's though came to my mind and as I was thinking bout him my phone rang. I looked at the ID it was an unknown number. I picked up the call.

Y/N : "Hello?"

Taehyung : "Its me"

Y/N : "Oh Taehyung"

Taehyung : "You sound disappointed were you expecting someone else?"

Y/N : "No just I was shocked. How did you get my number?"

Taehyung : "You still use your old number"

Y/N : "Ohhh ya (I laughed nervously) I forgot that"

Taehyung : "Can you come downstairs for sometime?"

Y/N : "WHAT?? you are here?"

I went to the window and looked out he was Standing there waving at me.

"Wait I'll be there"

I rushed outside.

Taehyung : "Hey!!"

Y/N : "What hey, why are you here this late?"

Taehyung : "I don't know just wanted to see you"

Wait a minute I can smell alcohol Is he drunk??

Y/N : "Hey! You are drunk Kim Taehyung"

Taehyung : "Don't call me that"

Y/N : "What? That"

Taehyung : "Taehyung, it feels very bad and distant. Why don't you call me Tae like you use to?"

Y/N : "Why did you drink so much when you know you can't handle"

Taehyung : "I drank coz you were not there to stop me."

Y/N : "Where is Mina she is not with you?"

Taehyung : "She was with me but then she left with another guy again"

Y/N : "Hey! so what? maybe he was her cousin or friend? and maybe there was some emergency"

Taehyung shook his head.

Taehyung : "Its the..... (He started counting something on his fingers) 7th time in this week that I have found her with another man and whenever I ask her she says the same thing."

I didn't know what to say.

"I wish I could turn back time and save dad then everything would have been good."

I wish that too but now it can't happen.

Y/N : "Taehyung I think you should go home, wait let me call Yoongi Oppa"

I called Oppa.

Yoongi : "Y/N what happened you called me this late?? Is everything OK?"

I told him everything.

"OK wait I'll come"

Taehyung : "You know I want to go and tell Mina that she should go with anyone she likes and leave me but she just wants to marry me for my money"

Y/N : "You know that and still..."

Taehyung : "His father is handling my company and at this moment he resigns from partnership then my family will come on road."

He suddenly comes near me and pulls me near him placing his hands on my waist.

Y/N : "Taehyung what the...."

Taehyung : "Shhhhhh"

He places his finger on my lips.

"I just want to look at you like this. I can watch you like this my whole life"

He then starts leaning in and was about to kiss me. I don't know but tears started falling from my eyes.

As I came to my senses I pushed him and he fell on ground.

Y/N : "Oh sorry! are you OK"

Then Yoongi Oppa came there in his car.

Yoongi : "Sorry you have to wait"

Y/N : "Its OK"

I helped him to put Taehyung in his car.

Yoongi : "Now go and sleep I'll meet you tommorrow. Good night"

Y/N : "Good night"

And he left.