Jungkook looked at me.

Jungkook : "Okay I am coming down tell him to wait."

?? : "Yes Sir"

Jungkook : "Stay here, don't come outside"

Y/N : "But why?"

Jungkook : "Do you want your boyfriend to misunderstand us?"

Y/N : "I don't care. He is not my boyfriend now and he is going to get married to someone else."

Jungkook : "Okay Do as you wish"

and he left from there.

I quietly went outside and hide behind a wall from where I can see Jin and Jungkook clearly.

*Jungkook's POV*

I went downstairs and saw Jin sitting on the sofa.

Jungkook : "Why are you here?"

Jin turned his head towards me and stood up.

Jin : "Where is Y/N?"

Jungkook : "Why do you want to know where she is?"

Jin : "Jungkook don't mess with me just tell me where she is?"

Jungkook : "Well she is not here go find her somewhere else"

Jin : "Shut the F**k up!! I saw you taking her in your car last night."

Jungkook : "Yes I did that but then I dropped her at her house"

Jin : "Don't lie to me I am coming from there and her house is locked."

Jungkook : "I told you everything and now I don't know anything so just get out before I call my men to throw you out of my house."

Jin : "If I get to know that you are lying I swear I will not leave you."

Jungkook (fake scared) : "OMG! I am so scared what should I do? GET OUT!!"

*Y/N's POV*

Jin stomped out of the house and I went inside I took bath, wore the bathrobe and came outside.

I saw some clothes lying on the bed with a note.

~Wear this and come downstairs.


Huh! he still likes to leave these notes.

I wore clothes did my hair and came downstairs.

I saw Jungkook sitting on the sofa and as he noticed me there, he signaled me to sit there too. I sat in front of him.

Jungkook : "So where do you want to start?"

Y/N : "Start what?"

He looked at me.

Y/N : "OK if you are being so stubborn, I will treat you. (sigh) So first tell me everything that happened from the very start."

Jungkook : "OK So I remember waking up in the hospital and I didn't remember anything. I saw a man standing near me and he told me he was my dad. Then he introduced me to h

Hoseok and I was told that I have a dad, my mom died when I was very young. I was home schooled and was going to US for studying. So that's what I did I went to USA studied there and came back but then I met a woman who said that she was my drawing teacher in university and she was shocked to know that I dropped out so suddenly that's when I came to know that something was off and everyone was hiding something from me."

Why is his father hiding everything from him?

Why did he lie to Jungkook?

"Then after a week or so I got to know that someone killed that woman and then after some time I met you and you said the same thing university and stuff. So I got sure that I want to know what the real truth is."

Y/N : "But I told you that everything I said..."

Jungkook : "I know, but still I know there is something even Hoseok is hiding things from me."

Y/N : "OK so are you taking any medications?"

Jungkook : "Yes I am. Doctors thought that I would regain my memory after some years but I did'nt"

Y/N : "Can I see those medicines?"

Jungkook : "OK come with me"

We went to his room again and he opened the drawer on the right side of bed. He took out two bottles of pills.


I took them. Why is he taking these? These pills are used to block a part of your brain temporarily it is used for depression and stuff but if a normal person takes them in large amount then it can cause blockage in memory.

Then Suddenly

?? : "Sir, Leader is here"

I saw Jungkook being shocked.

Y/N : "Who is Leader?"

?? : "I am Leader but can I ask you who are you?"

Jungkook : "Dad why are you here?"