Y/N : "What happened to you????"

Hoseok : "Be calm Y/N, He is fine."

Jungkook : "Yes...I am fine."

Y/N : "Are you mad??? Your clothes are literary drenched in blood."

Jungkook : "Its not my blood...."

Not his? then whose blood is this?

Hoseok : "Okay then I'll be leaving now."

And Hoseok left. I looked at Jungkook.

Y/N : "Where did you get hurt?"

Jungkook pointed at his arm.

I sighed.

Y/N : "Let's go to your room. You take bath first then I will treat your wound."

Jungkook nodded and we both went to his room. Jungkook went to Bathroom to take shower while I took out first aid box for him and sat down on the bed.

After like 15 min He came out wearing a bathrobe.

Y/N : "I'll take some comfortable clothes out for you."

I didn't wanted to ask him anything right now. So I was kinda ignoring him and just started searching for his clothes in his closet.

Jungkook : "Are you mad at me?"

I sighed.

Y/N : "No I am not."

I continued searching his clothes and take out his grey sweatshirt and trousers.

Y/N : "Is this....."

Suddenly he hugged me from behind and made me turn around.

I was looking down.

He held my face with his his hands and made me look at him.

Jungkook : "Look at me and now tell me why are you mad at me?"

Y/N : "No I am not mad. I just..."

I started crying.

Jungkook : "Hey, why are you crying?"

I hugged him tightly.

Jungkook : "Hey, what happened?"

I shook my head.

Jungkook : "Okay Okay be calm"

He patted my back.

Y/N : "You are so selfish?"

Jungkook : "Who? me?"

Y/N : "Yes you. How can you get hurt like that You don't even know how scared I was."

Jungkook chuckled.

Jungkook : "I am sorry"

I hugged him more tightly.

Y/N : "Don't be sorry."

After like 2 min I realised that he had a wound on his arm.

I wiped my tears and released him.

Y/N : "Let me treat your wound."

Jungkook sat on the edge of his bed and I took the first aid kit.

Jungkook removed his bath rob and he was only wearing his boxers.

My eyes immediately went on his perfect body, abs and biceps. My heart started beating fast but when I looked at his wound everything went out of my mind and I started putting medicine on it.

Y/N : "How did you get this?"

Jungkook : "Knife but now its fine."

Y/N : "Ya I can see how fine it is but tell me what happened earlier."

I was done applying medicine and then I started wrapping bandage on it.

Jungkook : "I contact Jimin and told him to give all those photos and stuff by which he was blackmailing Dahyun peacefully but he refused so we had a fight in that fight only one of Jimin's guy hit me with knife but the good thing is that we won."

Y/N : "That means you made him delete all Dahyun's photos."

Jungkook : "Ya Kind off."

Y/N : "Thats good! What happened to Jimin and his gang?"

Jungkook didn't answer for a while and now I was done wrapping the bandage.

I looked at him and he said.

Jungkook : "They are dead."

My eyes almost popped out coz I was damn shocked.

Jungkook started laughing like a maniac.

Y/N : "Are you mad? Yo....You ki.....killed them."

He continued laughing then he took a deep breath.

Jungkook : "Jimin is at the police station. After the fight I called Dahyun and told her to file a complaint against Jimin then police arrested him."

Y/N : "Okay....You scared the shit out oeverythingo to sleep its really very late now."

Jungkook pulled me on his bed and hugged me while sleeping.

Jungkook : "Okay let's sleep together."

Y/N : "Jungkook at least wear some clothes."

Jungkook : "Noooo!! I am very sleepy."

Y/N : "You will catch cold."

Jungkook : "I'll be fine,you are with me. Good night."

A smiled formed on my face.

Y/N : "Good night...."

*Next Morning*

I woke up and as I opened my eyes Jungkook was not beside me.

Y/N : "Where did he go?"

I got out of bed and went to washroom did my morning routine. I went downstairs.

Maid : "Good morning mam!"

I smiled.

Y/N : "Good morning! where is Jungkook?"

Maid : "He left early in the morning and left something for you on the dinning table."

Y/N : "What is it?"

Maid : "I don't know."

I went towards dinning table there was a box there and as I opened it there was a letter in it with a beautiful while dress.




Y/N : "Near my old working place...which old..."

Then it hit me.

Y/N : "Oh my god!! How did Jungkook got to know about that golden fountain??.....No Way!!"