After they reach Arakath they part ways and he once again ask for Azrael cooperation to keep secret of his journey to the Land of Dragons.

Arial promise him that he will them him all about it later. Azrael nodded reluctantly and they part ways in good cordiality.

Arial and his entourage then begins his journey. They enter the Land of the Goblins, and Arial have to say he hated those goblins.

They are always harassed at night when they stopped to camp.

If not for Mikael urging him to have patience Arial might chase them and beat each single one of them.

Mikael informed him that the goblins are great prankster but they will never do harm with their prank.

Usually it is funny. At least funny to them.

Mikael also said that it is pointless to ask the Goblins to join them in their expedition. There is more trouble than good when it involves goblin.

They like to prank and trick people.