WAR! (3)

with their cavalry they charge toward the infantry troops and slashed down the unprepared Orcs on the Plains and like Arial predicted, Orcs blood flowed on the green pasture.

What he didn't expect that it was his own men.

But at the time Arial is still fighting on top of the North tower wall, still slicing and slashing.

Velamina on the other hand notice this ambush attack by Bor forces but she could not leave her troops position and help the troops on the Plains.

She had to leave them to their fates. At least some of them will survive she thought to herself.

'PRESS YOUR ATTACK.' Velamina focused back on her fight. Her priority right now is securing the east tower before trying to go down and open the front gate for the main force of Vor.

Arial bathed in Orc blood that day, and his troop behind him could swear his eye turned red as he plowed his way all over the enemy troops