This delay in negotiations has helped Harald cause greatly as Arial officers and counselors began to be uneasy at the delay. 

Some of them reported that every hour new re-enforcements are coming into Harald's camp, men from noble's lords of the county, of the shires, from the south and west, while Arial commanders and officers themselves are not gaining any advantage, and, consequently, the longer the battle was delayed, the less the certainty of victory. 

Arial then thought of an idea, a stopgap measure to prevent his army morale from plummeting.

When Harald refused every demand, one in particular caught Arial attention and that is the refusal for one on one battle and Arial knows he could use that to his advantage.

Arial called on Harald once again to spare the blood of his followers, and decide his claims by battle in his own person. 

Of course this time the terms of the negotiations is known to the other soldiers.